Derek Hale

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☆ Hello readers and welcome to chapter 3! So glad that you came back to read another part of Irresistible. I hope you are enjoying everything so far and don't forget to leave comments and vote! It means a lot to me to know that people are enjoying it. As always, have a good read! ☆

After practice, the newly deemed lacrosse god drug us out to find his inhaler, which he had dropped while in the woods last night. As someone who had been diagnosed with severe asthma, Scott McCall was doing awfully well without it. Those plays that he made today should not have been possible. Especially for someone who, just last night, could barely climb up a hill without needing to catch his breath.

But every time my suspicion seemed to rise; I would push it away, not wanting to believe that it could be true.

There was a new kind of gleam in Scott's eyes as we walked through the forest. He seemed to be proud of himself for not only beating Jackson but also gaining Allison's attention. It was annoying how giddy my best friend was after just a few seconds of eye contact.

"You drag me into the woods one more time, McCall, and your ass is grass," I grumbled as we trudged along. I was getting tired of seeing the woods everywhere I looked. 

"Didn't have to come, Addams," Scott noted with a smile as we made it to a stream.

Stiles grinned, nudging our friend's shoulder. "Come on, Scott. You know Lily can't miss out on the fun. One word: Codependency."

Rolling my eyes, I smacked Stiles' arm, causing him to yelp and earning a laugh from Scott. 

"You two idiots wouldn't survive without me." I stated.

"Hanging with us is a privilege, you know?" Stiles replied quickly. "Trent was going to keep the three of us apart, and now look at us. Together again."

It was annoying how much Stiles was enjoying this trek in the woods. It was our second time in the past two days and I was starting to get the feeling that whatever happened last night was just the beginning. I didn't want to be in this stupid forest longer than I had to be, yet here I was, getting dragged out again.

"Yeah, what a privilege." I mumbled.

The boys didn't waste time getting their feet wet, wading through the shallow water of the stream as if it were nothing as Stiles brought up the practice again.
I followed after them, letting go of my hesitancy about the water and stepping in. My shoes would be ruined, and my feet would be soaked, but hey, at least I was alive. That was more than could be said for the chopped-up mystery girl.  

The water began to seep through my converse, quickly making its way to my socks. Surprised by the cold shock, my feet soon fell adjusted to the temperature as I waded in the water next to Stiles.

"How'd you do that? You were amazing back there, Scott." Stiles asked.

"I don't know. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball." He replied, looking back as he hopped out of the water. Quickening our pace to meet him, Stiles and I made it across the stream and to our friend in seconds. 

It didn't even occur to me that my feet were already dry by the time we got there. I shrugged, not wanting to overthink anything of what Scott just said. "Moments like that happen." 

"Yeah, but that's not all." He said, causing my ears to perk up. "I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things I shouldn't be able to smell."

That didn't sound normal.

"Smell things?" Stiles laughed.

Scott's face was serious as he stopped walking to lift his head. "Like the Mint Mojito gum in your pocket."

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