Wolves in California.

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Hello readers! Thanks again for coming back to read more of Irresistible! I hope you like this next addition and hope to see you all soon for chapter 3!☆

As the sun flooded in through my window, I watched as it filled the entire room, drenching it with its light. It slowly made its way to the bed, its light reaching my feet before engulfing my whole body.

Kept up by the pull of the full moon and the thought of wolves in California, I lay in my bed begging for my mind to turn off. Unfortunately, it was too late to go back to sleep now. Glancing at the clock next to my bed, I realized it was around 6 am.

I stayed curled up until I couldn't any longer. Around 7 am I started to hear a faint creaking sound coming from above. Figuring that it was just Trent getting ready for work, I ignored it and decided that if he was up I should be up too.

Sitting up slowly, I let my bare feet hit my carpet and readied myself to take steps. I finally pushed off my bed, feeling like a zombie. A few seconds later, the creaking grew louder.

"Trent, could you be any louder?" I complained as I went to my closet to pick out an outfit.

Pulling out an oversized band shirt and jeans, I was about to change when I heard a quick thud on my window. Turning around with a jump, I made eye contact with a certain set of warm caramel eyes.

Stiles hung to the side, his eyes wide as I walked over to the window and pushed it up.

"What the hell, you creep?" I whispered sharply, grabbing a fist full of the boy's t-shirt and pulling him inside before someone could see him.

Stiles stumbled in, running a hand over his shaved head nervously. "Lily, h-how did your sleep?" He asked awkwardly.

Glaring at him with my shirt in my hand, I motioned to my closet. "I was getting changed, Stiles."

"I can see that." He replied, glancing down at my chest. His eyes lingered for a long moment.

A chill breeze crossed over my back as I became aware that I didn't have a shirt on, just a bra. Turning around, I quickly put on the shirt in my hand as my face turned hot. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Stiles didn't answer for a moment, the word's kept falling out of his mouth before he could put them together.

"I came to bail you out." He finally replied.

Not turning around quite yet, I walked over to the closet and grabbed the jeans that I intended to wear. "Bail me out?"

"Yeah, Trent's got you on lockdown, right? I came to free you." Stiles explained.

I smiled as I turned to look at him. "Why the sudden need to free me at 7 am?"

Stiles shrugged, walking over to my bed and plopping down on it. "You said yesterday that Trent might stop you from seeing me... a-and Scott obviously. So, I wanted to come to see you, maybe give you a ride to school."

Laughing at him, I stepped towards the bathroom. "Okay, Romeo, but, I'll be a few minutes. I have to change and unfortunately, this time you can't watch."

Stiles sighed heavily. "Damn, I was really hoping for a show."

"You're ridiculous." I laughed.

After getting changed and doing all the important things I needed to do, I left the bathroom to find Stiles laying across my bed looking at my photo wall. He pointed to a photo closest to the middle and smiled as he turned to me. "Look, it's me and you!"

Walking over, I laid down next to him and found what picture he was referring to instantly. "Oh yeah, that was Halloween," I smiled. "Right after you broke your arm falling off of Scott's bike."

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