Wolf, she thought, giving him a smile, and he brushed her burnette waves back from her neck.  They danced for a few songs before he attempted to move his hands down past her lower back.  She stiffened, and gave him a glare, ready to yell for Talia, but he smirked at her before moving his hands back up to her waist, and she relaxed.  

After the song finished, he leaned in close, his nose brushing the curve of her neck.  "I'll be right back.  Don't move," he gave her a smile, moving a thumb across her lip before walking away. 

Jenna watched him disappear into the bathroom, then rubbed the feel of his touch off of her lip, feeling disgusted.  She looked around the club, and spotted the stairs to the upper balcony in the far corner.  She headed over to them as quickly as she could in the stilettos, and hurried up the steps.  The last thing she planned to do was wait around for Mr. Handsy.  He could find someone else to grope. 

When Jenna reached the top of the steps, she looked around in awe.  The railing around the entire balcony glowed, and so did the bar off to her left.  Two mixologists were working behind it, and servers were moving in and out of private rooms along the back walls, providing bottle service to each section. 

She walked over to the bar and ordered another margarita, before heading further along the balcony and away from the stairs. Walls separated each private room, though they were open in the front.  Curtains were tied back, and could be pulled to shield the occupants.  The open booths displayed tables, chairs and couches. 

Jenna played her favorite game of people watching as she strolled along, sipping her drink.  Guests of all varying dress were inside the rooms, some partying, some conducting business, and one where several couples were busy making out and groping each other.  Mr. Handsy would be at home here, Jenna smirked to herself.

A couple in the back caught her attention.  The woman had on a short skirt, and was seated on the man's lap, facing him, their lips locked together.  From her movements, Jenna guessed that much more than kissing was going on.  She blushed and kept on moving. 

Most of the railing that overlooked the lower level had occupied seating, but about half way around, Jenna finally came to an open area that looked out over the club.  She stepped over to the edge to look down and rested her elbows on the railing, her eyes scanning the crowd below her.  She spotted Talia after a few moments, dancing for all she was worth.  Jenna shook my head with a smile.  At least Talia was enjoying herself. 

A movement near the front entrance caught her eye, and she watched a blond man enter the club.  Those closest to him stopped and nodded their heads towards him.  She watched with interest as he moved to the bar, everyone he passed acknowledging his presence. Two other men followed close behind him, like bodyguards.  He had to be someone important, and Jenna’s mind raced back over the information Talia had shared about pack hierarchy. 

She doubted he was the pack leader, the Alpha, as Talia had said the man was older, in his late forties, while this man looked to be in his mid-twenties.  Perhaps the second-in-command, the Beta.  Talia had told her a new Beta had stepped up about a year ago, and how good looking he was.  She watched him step away from the bar with a drink and turn back to the crowd.   

Jenna suddenly felt eyes on her, and glanced around the room again before her gaze finally landed on another man near the door. Her world felt as though it tipped sideways for a moment, as their eyes met.  Everything and everyone in the club faded away in that moment.  He was easily the most beautiful man she had ever seen, and she had his full attention.  His hair was dark, and he was very tall, his muscles filling out his black t-shirt.  She felt a shiver run down her spine as he stared up at her, her body heating under his hot gaze.  

"Hey baby, wanna dance?" a slurred voice said near her ear, causing Jenna to jump as she was suddenly brought back to earth, her connection with the gorgeous man gone. 

Disappointment and anger flooded through her at the interruption, as she felt a hand squeeze her waist.  She spun around and almost into a large man who was much too close.  His breath reeked of alcohol, and she gagged as he leaned in towards her, trying to sniff her neck. 

He was good looking, and heavily muscled like most of the men in the club.  If it wasn’t for the way he was leering at her, she might have been interested in conversation, or maybe even a dance.  Jenna felt a small tremor of fear run through her and the man suddenly smirked.  He smells my fear, she realized quickly. 

Talia had reminded Jenna many times that werewolves were like predators.  They could sense your emotions, your uneasiness, your fear.  She swallowed hard, a million thoughts running through her head as she contemplated yelling for Talia.

Would she even hear me up here?  How good was her hearing really? Why had I even allowed Talia to convince me to come tonight?  I need to get myself out of this situation.

Jenna forced herself to calm down and pasted a fake smile on her face.  "No thank you.  I'm waiting for my boyfriend.  He's supposed to be meeting me here after work.”  She thought she had lied pretty convincingly.  

The man's eyes narrowed at her, and he swayed a bit.  "Yeah right.  You're just trying to get rid of me," he slurred, his gaze raking over her body.  

She suddenly wished that she had persisted in not wearing Talia’s green dress.  She felt naked under his penetrating gaze.  Jenna tried to push past him, but he was like a brick wall and didn't budge.  Stupid oversized werewolves.  She sidestepped to her right, so that she was no longer trapped between him and the railing at least.

"Hey!  Where are you going?" he turned as well, following her movements.  

Suddenly, an arm went around her waist, accompanied by a tingling sensation.  She was pulled back against a rock hard chest, and her new captor's other arm went around her waist, holding her tight.


Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now