Chapter 16

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We stopped at a motel to my surprise. I wanted to ask why, I wanted to talk about what happened but I was scared to say anything.

He went to the office without saying a word to me. I sighed, feeling like it was honestly my fault. I got out of the car, taking Rylee to pee. She was adorable, trying to find the perfect spot when Casanova came out. He saw me but just went to the car, popping the trunk. I turned away, the tightness in my chest was too much. I couldn't look at him while he acted like this towards me. I knew he had his reasons and I wasn't trying to judge him, but it sucked.

Once Rylee was done we walked to the car, I was going to just grab my bag and follow him but he slammed the trunk shut as soon as I got over there. He had both of our bags.

Okay, what? My eyebrows furrowed, if you're mad at someone shouldn't you like- I don't know not carry their shit?

I was so confused, stressing myself out trying to figure out what the hell is going on in his head. I ran my hand through my hair, deciding to just let him be. I grabbed my personal bag from the front seat and followed him to the room, he set the bags down and left the room.

I scoffed, okay. Nope. I sat on the bed with my legs crossed, waiting for him to come back. Once the door opened again I stood up, determined to get him to talk to me. He had the bag of food in his hand.

I took a deep breath, "Okay, you're entitled to the way you're feeling. I understand that you're upset but we can't just-"

"Can we talk later? Please?" He asked, his tone was back to normal. That's a good sign.

"Why?" I asked, but he didn't reply. I wasn't getting it. "At least tell me why we're at a motel, I thought we were sleeping in the car tonight."

"I can't sleep next to you tonight."

Ouch. It made sense I guess. I sat back down on the bed, "Oh."

"I'm taking a shower and then I'm gonna sleep in the car tonight, okay?" He said, getting clothes out of his bag.

"You don't have to, I can sleep in-"

"No, I'm sleeping in the car."

He wasn't upset, but his tone left no room for discussion. The authority was new. I swallowed, trying to ignore my inappropriate hormonal response. I didn't know what else to say, so I just sat there. Eventually he was in the bathroom. A long sigh escaped me as I laid back on the bed.

Great. I fucked up so bad that not only will he not talk to me about it, but he refuses to sleep near me. He would rather sleep in a trunk than on a bed if it means being next to me.

Honestly, maybe some time apart would be a good thing. We've been together ever since I left my house on the night of the party. Maybe we'd be better off that way, when we stay at hotels one of us can sleep in the car for mutual privacy or something.

I think I was just trying my best to make myself feel better. I heard the water turn on, but I wasn't willing to risk him hearing me talk to my sister. I grabbed the room key and put Rylee on a leash. We went outside, walking around the motel as I talked to Faith.

"So, how are you guys? You're actually home for the first time all week," I laughed, teasing her dramatically.

"Everything is good here. We miss you, me most," She sighed, "I have nobody here to talk me out of stupid shit or help me through this heartbreak."

"Heartbreak? Don't you need a heart for that?"

I heard the sound of her lips smack before she replied, "You're so insensitive, I broke up with Warren."

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