Chapter 3

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Aggressive throbbing dulled my senses, I tried to open my eyes but the bright light forced them shut again. I groaned and tossed my body to the right, trying to shield my head with my arms. My head slammed against something hard. Did I move my bed against the wall? I sighed, my whole body felt fatigued. Suddenly the music playing wasn't something I could ignore. I groaned again, forcing my eyes open after battling the sunlight. Was I moving? My eyes adjusted to my surroundings, and I took everything in.

I was slowly processing everything I saw before me. There were street signs and cars, they were quickly passing by. I pulled my head off of the window and looked around. I was in a car, but more alarmingly, a car I didn't recognize. It was a very nice car, it had a big screen over the center console and it was very spacious. The steering wheel caught my attention, it was an Audi. I didn't know anyone that had an Audi, I sat up straight as I finally let my eyes land on the driver. He was also someone I didn't recognize.

"W-w-," My voice was hoarse and I nervously stuttered.

"Oh! Good morning, Cupcake," He smiled widely as if we had been friends for years and we were very familiar. Suddenly a plastic wrapped muffin landed on my lap, "You slept the entire drive. We're almost there. I grabbed that at the last stop for you."

I saw a bottle of water in the cup holder, I grabbed it and took a drink. I looked around again, it didn't look like we were in LA anymore, "We're almost where?"

"Our first checkpoint, Vegas."

"Vegas? Las Vegas? Nevada?" I asked, quickly and panicked, realizing how far away from home I must be.

"We're already in Nevada. We'll be at the hotel in like half an hour," He explained, "You snore a bit, you know."

"No I don't," I defended myself instinctively before realizing I needed to prioritize more important matters, "Who are you?"

"You don't remember me? Oh shit, how drunk were you last night?" He asked with an extreme look of worry on his face.

"I don't know it was my first time drinking," I drank some more water and opened my muffin, my stomach was turning, "Why are we in Nevada?"

"I- uh-" I looked over to see him at a loss.

"So, we met at the party. Right?" I asked, prying for information.

"Yes, Casanova, remember?" He replied.

Casanova, Casanova. Suddenly it all clicked. Bits and pieces at least, I remembered meeting him. I also remembered leaving the party, I remembered sitting across from him in some sort of booth.


"So, Casanova. You bring all the women to get a milkshake at midnight or what?" I laughed as I brought the oversized straw to my lips.

"Nah, just the ones I think are interesting," He laughed and leaned back into his seat.

"So I'm interesting, huh?" I asked, quizzically raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, extremely. I pegged you as a reserved, nerdy, bookworm. Then I find you slurring over a cupcake at a rager. I'm fully intrigued."

I smiled, flattered that he seemed to know who I was, "How did you know I'm a bookworm?"

"I know you're in your own world when you read, but everyone else can still see you, you know," He chuckled, "You have this way of tuning out everything and anything. It's hard not to notice the one girl reading at a football game."

I laughed obnoxiously, "So you know who I am?"

"Not really, just seen you around," He shrugged.

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