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She landed in a bedroom that has been carefully decorated to suit the daughter of Hades' tastes.
It was a different one as to when she was last in the underworld but everything was different now.

The paint on the walls is a deep shade of black, with highlights of purple and blue to give it depth.

The furniture was made from rich, dark wood, with carved skulls adorning the surface. In contrast, the linen was made from soft, pale fabrics, in hues of white and cream.

Throughout the room, there was a hint of sweet herbs and flowery fragrances, creating a sense of calm and peace.

At the foot of her bed, was a dog bed.


The hellhound woke up and pounced onto the girl. "Hey girl."

Ariana spent a few minutes stroking her hellhound and then decided it was time to leave. However, when she attempted to open her door she couldn't.

It had been locked.

"For fucks sake!" She groaned and sat on her bed.

Theoretically, she could've shadow travelled out of their yet when she tried to use her powers nothing happened. It was as if something was blocking her power source.

After what felt like hours she was still stuck in her room. Apart from a few books that were on a table, there was no form of entertainment in the room.

Then somebody knocked.

Ariana didn't respond, she was far too angry and upset to have one more argument. She had accepted her fate, she was definetley going to die by the hands of her father.

"Ariana?" It was Nico.

"Go away." Her voice was cold and distant, the girl was still not over her brother's minor betrayal.

He didn't. "Look." He said. "I swear on the river Styx I didn't know he was planning to do this, let me in."

"Even if I wanted to see you, I can't. I'm locked in."

Nico cursed under his breath. "Hold on I'm going to try talk to our-"

Ariana stopped him. "Nico! Wait." She took a breath. "It no use, he won't listen to you." she paused. "Rescue Percy for me and explain this to him. You owe me."


"Go." She insisted, her voice breaking."Please.. I cant lose Percy too. I don't want to be the one to tell Annabeth that the boy she likes is dead because of me."

She heard him sigh. "Fine. But I'll be back later."

Ariana listened as Nico's footsteps got more distant. When at least she was sure he was gone, she let herself break.

Everything rushed to her at once.

The loss of her mother.

The many quests she has been on.

Bianca's death.

Zoes death.

Silenas grief.

Beckendorf death.

Luke's betrayal.

Ethan's betrayal.

Lee Fletcher.

All the fallen campers.

The great prophecy.

Her father.

Her other mother?

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