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Ariana woke up feeling like she was still on fire. Her skin stung. Her throat felt as dry as sand.

At first, she thought she was dead but then she opened her eyes and found herself in pure darkness.

Confused, she stood up.

"You should stay sat down." A voice called out.

Ariana spun around and shouted. "Hello? Who's there?"

She was a tall girl, lean and muscular in build. Her brown hair was long, but it wasnt tangled .

Her dark green eyes were full of determination, like she was made to survive in the water. On her neck was a pendant, it was a necklace decorated with a tiny silver trident.

Ariana reached for her ring gems, but they weren't there. She had nothing to defend herself with.

"Who are you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at the unknown woman.

"You know me Ariana." She spoke with a kind smile, one she often saw on Percy's face.

Ariana gave her a weird look. "Uh, I don't think I do-"

The woman, who seemed to only be slightly older than Ariana, sighed. "Has your father not told you anything about me?"

Ariana's heart dropped, as she connected together all of the pieces of information. They appeared young, she knew her father, she reminded Ariana of herself.

"Are you my-"

She smiled and nodded. "I am your mother dear."

"But how are you-"


"Well, yeah."

All Ariana knew was that her mother was dead, when the daughter of Hades was around one years old.

"I made a deal." Her mother admitted. "I wanted to see you but I can't stay for long. Your father has banned you from trying to contact me, if you wish to try that." She rolled her eyes. "But I couldn't leave you in the dark. I died trying to protect you."

"But-" Ariana tried to speak but her mother held up a hand to silence her.

Her eyes narrowed, flooding with water. "Listen. Don't be foolish, Ariana like I was. I broke a sacred oath and yes I regret betraying my sisters but I do not regret having you. You are destined to do great things but you cannot let your fatal flaw ruin it for you. Remember who your family is, my dear."

"Your a HalfBlood." Ariana said.

Her mother nodded. "I am."

"Who's your godly parent then?"

The girl frowned. "I cannot tell you that. You are not ready."

Ariana was growing angry. "How can i not be ready for it!"

"You can barely control your powers nevermind more information."

Ariana felt the shadows closing in on them. "I must go now but remember what I've told you. Goodbye, Ariana."

"Wait!" Ariana shouted but the shadows had taken her away, leaving her alone.

A tear fell down her cheek, she hadn't even gotten her mothers name.

Then, she fell to the ground once more. The next time Ariana woke she was in a cave, but as far as caves go, she had been in a lot worse.

The ceiling glittered with different-color crystal formations-white and purple and green, like she was inside one of those cut geodes you see in souvenir shops.

The Forbidden Daughter | PJO Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang