I stopped in my tracks. I mean working 2 weeks here, doesn't sound bad. I've worked at places that were worse. This is cozy and small and I also get a guitar from it so why not?

" Okay," I said to him he kinda looked suprised. "Okay, wait let me get the contract".
He went in a room behind the counter.

After some minutes he came back, with a couple of papers in his hand. "You can read them, and sign if you want the job." He left after that so I could read in peace.

I red the papers and signed them. I waited until he returned, which didn't take long. "Oh, are you done?" "Yep." I nodded. He took the papers. "Then I'll see you tomorrow".I just nodded and waved at him.


As soon as I entered my small apartment, that only consisted of two room, the bathroom and living/bedroom/kitchen. It really wasn't big. But yeah.

I was greeted by my cat that I found on the streets the first week in Korea. His name is Mr noodles. I just found it a funny name bc his tail is really skinny.

He's a small ginger kitten, around 1 and a half years old. He's very clingy but can have an attitude. I still love him for that lol.

"Hi noodles" patted his head and lifted him to cuddle with him. When I realized I had work om my schoolproject. "Shit" I let go of noodles and took my bag and laptop. And started to do my project on my bed.

It's taking longer than I expected, and my neighbors weren't really helping. They fight every day, like at this point just break up. It's toxic, not only for them. But also for the neighbors, who try to do their homework or try to sleep.

Boom! clash!

Here they go again, throwing things at each other. When I first arrived here, they acted so nice and lovely to each other in front of us. But recently, like a month ago, they kept arguing about something.

She is also pregnant, which makes everything worse because, I'm pretty sure that's very bad for the baby.


Then it went silent. I just sat there, frozen thinking what that sound could have been and why it suddenly turned quiet.

I was walking towards, my front door. When I heard a knock. I stayed quiet, thinking about whether I should answer it. Before I could say anything, the person on the other side of the door answered.

"Help me, plss" It sounded so desperately. I recognized that voice, it was of my neighbor. I immediately openend the door. He had a frightening look on his face. Like he had seen a ghost.

"I think I killed her" that was the first thing he said as soon as he saw me. "I didn't mean it, I swear" I just walked past him, running towards his apartment to search for his girlfriend.

I found her, she was lying in the bathroom, with blood coming out of her head. I checked for any pulse. She was still alive.

Ok, I took my phone out of my pocket and started calling for 119. "Hello, 119. What can I help you with?" " My neighbor is lying unconscious in her bathroom, she's  pregnant and bleeding from the head." "Ok, is there any pulse?" "Yes but very weak. Her adres is ***********" "Okay the ambulance is on its way."


The ambulance arrived and had taken her to the hospital, while the police had arrested the boyfriend.

I'm now in my class still thinking about the whole situation, it's so sad, luckily she's still fine and her baby too.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Class was done, I left immediately and went towards the cafeteria. I'm feeling really somber, today.

This whole situation was scary, but I try to ignore it. I'll try to visit the girlfriend later today.

I was eating my food alone on a table, I don't really like talking with other people while eating, or eating in front of anyone. It always had made me anxious.

Fear of people judging me.

I was done and went towards my next class, which was psychology. I hate that class so much...ugh.


After my last lesson, I made my way to the convenience store. I wanted some Chupa chups soda. 'I love the strawberry milk one'.

I entered the store and went to the drinks. While I passed the snack aisle, I suddenly saw Wonbin. We made eye-contact.

"Oh, hi Soleil." I slightly waved at me. "Hi, wonbin sunbaenim" I hated that word but just decided to use it out of respect. He shared his head and hands.

"Don't call me that it makes me feel old, I'm just 21 years old." He kinda chuckled, I could see his cute little bunny teeth. "How old are you?" He bluntly asked. "Uhmm, 20..."

"You should call me oppa" He kinda smirked. "The day that I die is the say that I will call any man "oppa" ". He laughed at my comment.

"What were you going to buy?"  "Some chupa chups drink, let me get it" I slowly walked towards the aisle. "I'll wait for you outside, so we can go together to the shop." I took the drink and went to pay for it.

After paying I went outside and saw wonbin leaning against the wall while waiting for me. "Let's go!" "You look excited" He smiled. "Yep, first day work, who wouldn't be excited."


'She's so adorable, I swear' I was kinda staring at Soleil on our way to the shop. She looked so happy.

"So, can I ask what you're doing here in Korea." I asked her, trying to not sound disrespectful.

"I'm an exchange student, that's why I'm here." I nodded my head, showing her that, I was listening, so she continued. "I study midwifery"

"My mom used to be a midwife too." She looked at me confused. "Used to?" "Yeah, she died a couple of years ago." "Omg, I'm sorry, I didn't kno-"

"It's fine, I'm over it anyways." "Can I ask how she died?" "My mom a had a contracted a virus, that was deadly. She couldn't breath and fell into a coma, while in coma the doctor said she would either never wake up and if she did, it wouldn't be without the the breathing machine. So he decided to turn them off."

"She was 37, she was my bestfriend. I remember grabbing her hand while listening to her last breath." I sighed. "I'm sorry." I looked at her. "It's fine"

"We're here."


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