EXTRA CHAPTER:Things happen when you least expect them

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I stood in the bathroom with hands shaking nervously and tears ready to fall from my eyes as I waited for the ten minutes to pass, so the pregnancy test on the counter would show me the results. Kitty and Olympe were standing in front, just as anxious as I was.

When I told Kitty I was almost a week late on my period, she brought me a pregnancy test just after she finished work. Minho was away on a business trip, and I was all alone at our house. I couldn't be pregnant. I mean, there is no way! I can't have a baby, I mean I am only 22. I just finished college and I want a career. I can't take care of a baby. I just can't

Kitty: It is time 

She said, handing me the test upside down, and I nodded negatively refusing to take it in my hands

Y/n: I am not looking at it, you check it 

I said, and Kitty's eyes widened in horror

Kitty: I think you should be the one to check it, I mean you are the one that peed on it

She said and I gave her a glare

Y/n: Well what an amazing argument

I said before Olympe scoffed annoyed at us and grabbed the test from Kitty's hand. Her eyes widened in surprise and then a smile appeared on her face which made my worries come to life

Y/n: No, no, no, no

I said, taking the test from her hands with tears in my eyes just to see the two lines on it. This cannot be happening! We are too young to have a kid, and I don't mentally feel ready to take care of another human being. I mean we couldn't even adopt a dog because of how busy both of us are, we cannot raise another human

Olympe: Come on Y/n, you are going to be an amazing mom

She said with a comforting smile, but tears started running through my eyes like crazy, and I fell to my knees before I started sobbing. Don't get me wrong, people I love kids and all, but I don't feel ready to be a mom. I just finished college and don't even have a job yet. Kitty kneeled down next to me 

Y/n: He is going to leave me 

I said crying into my sister's shoulder and she scoffed. I was also scared of how Minho could take the fact that we were having a baby, and it scared me like shit

Kitty: I hope you are joking because Minho is never going to leave you

She said, wiping my tears and Olympe nodded before she kneeled down next to us

Olympe: Yeah, he loves you too much 

She said, rubbing my back comfortingly when the front door opened and Minho entered the house. I heard him calling my name and I gestured for the girls to leave before I stood up and wiped my tears. They nodded and left the room saying their goodbyes, and then he entered the bathroom with a smile which fainted when he saw the stains of the tears in my eyes 

Minho: Hey, what is wrong, love?

He said, pulling me to his chest and wrapping his arms around me comfortingly 

Y/n: Promise you won't be mad?

I asked, looking up at him with teary eyes, and he smiled softly

Minho: Mad at you? Never 

He said with a smile, wiping the tears from my eyes 

Y/n: Or that you are not going to leave me?

I asked, and now he looked at me with the are-you-serious-look

Minho: That is a ridiculous question, but I promise

He said with a smile, and I left his arm before slowly walking to the counter where the test was. I gently took it and handed it to him

Y/n: I am pregnant

I whispered with more tears running down my cheeks, and his eyes widened before he took the test in his hands, not believing what I was saying. He didn't talk for the next couple of minutes and was looking at the test with a shocked expression, not knowing what to say

Minho: I am going to be a dad 

He whispered to himself after a while and a smile appeared on his face before he looked at me. But before he was able to say anything, I spoke up

Y/n: We are too young to be parents

I said with tears running down my cheeks and he scoffed 

Minho: If this is about our money, we are way good and can easily take care of a baby 

He said and I nodded, wiping my own tears 

Y/n: I know it is just I have not found a job yet, and I can't take care of a baby. We had agreed that babies come after 27 and we are hardly 23. I cannot be a mom

I said, and he rolled his eyes getting annoyed at me before he took my arm gently 

Minho: Oh, don't be ridiculous

He said, pulling me into his arms and I started crying into his chest

Minho: We are going to get through this together. I promise!

He said, rubbing my back gently while I continued crying into his chest

Minho: I know you are going to be an incredible mom, even if you don't believe it, and I promise that I will spoil that kid so much that it will be begging me to stop spoiling it

He said, and I let out a small laugh before wiping my own tears

Minho: And I hope it is a girl, so she will have your beauty

He said, cupping my face with his hands, before a smile appeared on mine too for the first time that entire day. From the look on his face, I knew he was happy, and his words made me more sure about it

Minho: I just know that I am the luckiest man on this whole planet

He said, whispering to me before he kissed me gently on the lips. When he pulled away, he picked me up in bridal style and walked to our bedroom with me in his arms. I let out a small giggle before I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smile on my face and rested my head on his shoulder. When we entered our bedroom, he lay me down before he rested his head on my belly and kissed it softly with a smile on his face. 

Minho: Hello there

He said, whispering to my belly, and a smile appeared on my face while he was trying to communicate with the little baby inside of it.

Minho: I hope they are triplets

He said, and I looked at him with the-are-you-serious-look, but then he smiled at me 

Minho: Yeah because we will have to listen to your twin, to Olympe and Q fighting about the godparent place for the next nine months

He said and I let out a small laugh 

Y/n: Don't forget that I have another two sisters and a brother

I said with a smile, and then his eyes widened in realization 

Minho: Well, we are going to have fun

 He said with a smile before he made himself comfortable on my belly again, and I smiled before closing my eyes 

It doesn't matter if we are scared of something or not, but we just have to do it anyway

And they lived happily ever after



Because I wanted to thank you all for the love and support you have given me and this story over the past few months, I wanted to give you a small gift before school starts! I also wanted to thank you for 56k views! This is freaking amazing and thank you all so so so much, you can't imagine how much this means to me! Anyway I hope you liked it and have a wonderful day or night 


Emily <3



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