32. Exam results

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The next morning, when I woke up, I ran to the hallway to see the results of the exams that were going to be announced. I looked for my name and I found it in third place after Dae. I started checking my grades one by one. I had all straight A, but then my eyes fell on the last one, which was Korean Language. I had started pretty well at the begging of the year, but it got harder at the end of the semester 

Y/n: I got a B+!

I looked at it in shock, but I wasn't really surprised to say the truth because I knew that I had lost points from my essay because I misspelled some words. But where is the ten points boost that Professor Lee promised us?

Minho: Come on, love a B+ is great if you consider that you started learning Korean this year 

He said with a smile, and I smiled back at him. Then Kitty came running, pushing us from the way, and I gave her a death stare. Q came immediately too and they started checking her grades 

Q: You passed! You are staying another semester 

He said, and they started jumping together up and down before they stop

Q: Wait, I am still mad at you 

He said and I looked at them confused

Kitty: Yeah, I am still mad at you too

Did they fight or something like that? But then the thing that I was scared of happening for months now suddenly happened. At that moment, I started regretting all my life's choices

Teacher: Katherine and Y/n Song Covey

He said, and our eyes widened in horror.

Teacher: What are you both doing here this early in the morning? Are you wearing pajamas?

He said and the next thing we knew we were both sitting at the principal's office while hearing them talking in Korean. I knew that we were going to be discovered, but did that need to happen on our last day here? Like seriously? Kitty then decided to speak up 

Kitty: Hello, hi!

She said waving at them and I looked at her confused. Did she want to make our position even worse, than we already were? I mean, I knew that they were going to expel us, and we couldn't do anything to fix it

Kitty: I am not really sure what you are saying, but if I could just say this one thing. We have been living in the boy's dorm. Okay, I admit it! But-

She said, and I decided to interrupt her before she made things worse than they already were 

Y/n: What my sister is trying to say is that we have been listed in the boys' dorm from the begging of the year and when we changed, our roommate started uploading some weird site videos with us sleeping. Without our permission! We communicated with our dad to find a solution to this problem, and he called you ten times with no answer. So the boys who are our very close friends-

I said and Kitty added to my sentence 

Kitty: Very close friends 

She said giving emphasis on the word "friends"

Y/n: Invited us to live in their dorm until we found a solution to the problem, which by the way hasn't been found. So we will probably understand whatever decision you will make for our punishment 

I said and the principal Lin nodded before turning to us

Gina: Then I am sorry girls, but I am afraid that you will have to be expelled from the school

She said standing up 

Gina: But Y/n because you are one of our top students, we decided to give you another scholarship for the next semester. If you want, of course

She said, and my eyes widened. I looked at the floor and nodded my head negatively 

Y/n: Thank you, but I am not staying here without Kitty

I said, and she nodded, understanding what I was saying. It was true, there is no way I would stay here without my sister

Gina: The scholarship will always be here for you if you change your mind 

She said, and I nodded, looking at the floor before she let us go. I left the room as quickly as I could and Kitty followed me

Kitty: You are saying yes to that scholarship

Y/n: No, I am not 

I said, not looking at her, and continued walking towards our dorm to pack our things. When we entered, everyone was sitting in the living room and Q immediately stood up with a worried look

Q: What happened?

He asked and I looked at the floor

Y/n: I don't want to talk about it 

I said, entering our room and closing the door behind me, but I could still hear them talking from the other room 

Kitty: We were expelled, but then they offered Y/n another scholarship, and she said no to it

She said, and I started packing my suitcase because the flight was leaving in three hours. After a while I was reading a book on my bed when I heard a gentle knock on the door, I didn't answer, but then Minho entered the room and sat on my bed without saying a word 

Y/n: I know why are you here, but my answer still remains no 

I said, not looking at him, and he nodded

Minho: I know, but for a minute, I want you to stop putting others before yourself and think about what you want.

He said, and I closed my book before leaving it on my lap.

Y/n: I am not coming here without Kitty 

I said standing up and he sighed 

Minho: That's what you always do, you put others first and last yourself. You are seriously giving up everything just for your sister. You are not only giving up the school but also us 

He said standing up too, and I went to my desk to put my book inside my bag

Y/n: We have no other choice than to try long distance 

I said and he scoffed 

Minho: I don't want a long-distance relationship. I can't stand being away from you. It won't be just twenty days, but we are talking here for months Y/n

He said, and then I turned to him. This is our first argument in the almost three months we have been dating. It wasn't a fight, it was an argument. Not one of the usually silly ones that we use to have at the begging of the year, this one was different and not one of my favorites 

Y/n: We don't have another choice, Minho. I never even wanted to come here in the first place. I only did it because Kitty wanted it and because it was something that my mom would want too. No, because I wanted it! I am not going to lie because I indeed loved it here, but today I finally had to make a decision for me and I chose to leave. It is my decision and no one is going to change my mind, not even you. Also don't forget that this is just a freaking high school relationship for God's sake, nothing serious

I said, and immediately regret my words after I saw what a huge impact they had on him. The hurt on his face made me realize how stupid I am for saying something I didn't even mean

Y/n: Minho I am sorry

I said, and he left the room without saying a thing

"You can't have a relationship without any fights, but you can make your relationship worth the fight."

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