7.Love triangle

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My sister and I change dorms, and I will only say one thing to explain how it is. A disaster! I am literally scared of our new roommate. She sits on a chair every single day playing video games and doesn't care if we are there or not! I even had to share a bed with kitty because there weren't enough ones. I hate it! It's only five months until break and I think that I can handle it.

I woke heading to my first class and my hair was a mess because I couldn't find my brush in the untidy room, so I had no choice but to go to class! The first one that I bumped into was Patrick, and he looked at me ready to laugh, but he tried to hold it, so I won't feel bad or embarrassed

Y/n:I swear that if you say anything about this. I am going to kill you

I said, and he just smiled, asking me what happened

Y/n:I woke up with my sister's foot on my face

I said, and he laughed while giving me a brush from his bag

Y/n:You are a lifesaver! Did you know that?

I said, and he just stood there watching me brush my hair with a smile on his face

Y/n:Stop looking at me like that, it's weird

I said and he continued smiling

Patrick:It's not my fault that you are beautiful

He said, and I felt my cheeks burning, but I didn't fell the sparks my sisters used to talk about! I mean, I felt embarrassed, but not a single firework! Is something wrong with me? Am I broke or something? My thoughts were interrupted by someone walking past Patrick hitting him on the shoulder and pouring all the coffee, Patrick had on his hand on himself

Patrick:Watch where are you going, Minho

He said, and I gave him a tissue from my pocket! The only thing the jerk did was to turn, say a simple ''sorry'' without even meaning it, and left. What a jerk!

Patrick:He is a total asshole and I can't figure out what his problem is with me

He said and I scoffed

Y/n:Don't worry, he has problems with every single person in this school

I stopped talking and thought for a minute

Y/n:Or maybe in the whole planet?

I said, and he laughed. Then he smirked to himself

Patrick:Well, I was thinking if you wanted to go out with me? Like a date?

He said and I looked at him surprised! Well, I know the guy for like two weeks, I don't even know if I consider him as a friend. What if he is a serial killer? What if he puts anything on my food and murder me? Oh god, I think I am overthinking it too much? But you can't blame me! I looked on the floor

Y/n:I don't know

I said, quite insecure of what to say. He sighed and then smiled

Patrick:Well, you are kind of right! I rushed into things too fast. Because I felt like there was some tension between us the other night, but I guess I was wrong

He said, and I looked at him before looking at the phone to see what time is it

Y/n:Well, I am late to class. See you late bro-

I said and turned away to leave. Bro? Are you freaking serious, Y/n? The dude is totally into you and asked you out on a date, and you pretended to be late and left, calling him bro. I mean, you can't say that it wasn't awkward! I mean stupid awkward

Kitty:''Bro'' seriously?

I heard my sister say, and I jumped in fear because she literally came out of the nowhere

Y/n:You scared me

I said with a sighed, and she took my arm pulling me on the side

Kitty:Y/n the guy is totally into you, and you just friend zoned him

She said and my eyes widened

Y/n:I don't even realized how I did that

I said, and she clapped her finger in front of my face

Kitty:Wake up! And also the look Minho gave him was totally the one that was screaming that you are on a freaking love triangle

She said clapping her hands in excitement and I looked at her confused


I said and she smiled happily

Kitty:Where is Q when you need him? We need to make ship names

She said full in excitement and I laughed before turning serious again


I said while leaving and she followed me behind

Kitty:Come on, it is so cool

She said, and I turned to her

Y/n:Goodbye Kitty

I said while entering the first girl's bathroom I found! I had ten minutes before class. My day was already crazy and my sister's craziness was making it worse than it already was

After school, we were sitting with Q watching a series in the library

Kitty:I don't know. It's a lot of bulging eyes and rotting flesh

She said and I looked at her


I said before eating my popcorn

Q:Kitty, what? This is a classic

He said and took some popcorn from my bowl because he had already finished his one! I looked at him with a death stare, and he just smiled innocently

Kitty:You know who you should be watching this with? Florian. You guys are vibing

She said and I nodded

Y/n:Yes, you guys have chemistry and will look so cute together! Let's do a movie night

I said, and my sister nodded with me

Q:You know who else has a lot of chemistry? You and Patrick! I would invite him too.

He said with a smile and I rolled my eyes

Y/n:Fine, but don't make it awkward because today I almost die! So that means that neither of you will giggle, laugh or make a sound that will make me embarrassed or say something totally stupid

I said and took some more popcorn

Q:Yeah, like calling him ''bro''

He said laughing with Kitty and I took my popcorn for them!

Y/n:No more popcorn for you two

I said while standing up and left!

Hello everyone,

I am really sorry for not uploading the past few days, but it was exam period and I barely had time to open my laptop! But now summer break is here, and I can't wait to go to the beach! I mean, who doesn't love the beach? Anyway, from now on I will upload parts every day and I will be more active than I was. I hope you have a wonderful day💖💖💖



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