24. Did I love him?

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The next thing that I knew was that my back was against a tree and my hands were around Minho's neck, playing with his hair. My lips met his five minutes ago, and they haven't been apart since. Only for small breaks that didn't even last 5 seconds. He pulled away and smiled at me

Minho: I told you that you will be punished for hitting me and for stealing my night cream

He said, leaving small kisses on my neck. Yeah, I stole his night cream, but it's not my fault that it made my skin softer! Then he pulled back when he remembered something

Minho: My mom wants to meet you 

He said, and my eyes widened. I haven't even told my own parents yet, and we were dating for almost a month. I couldn't meet his mother. I didn't even know if we were serious

Y/n: Wait what?

I asked, confused, and he nodded before he continued marking my neck. I was still surprised because we were even together for a month now. I don't know, it just seemed weird to me

Y/n: I mean, isn't it too soon?

I said, and he looked at me not knowing what to answer for a minute 

Minho: Well, she wants to meet the girl that makes me happy 

He said with a smile, and I looked on the ground. I smiled at the fact that I made him happy but then came back to reality. I couldn't meet his mom because, in my point of you, it was literally really soon. 

Y/n: But what if I stop making you happy before the end of the semester, and you decide to break up with me

I said, and he rolled his eyes annoyed at my words 

Minho: You know that will never happen

He said and I sighed 

Y/n: Minho, I haven't even told my dad that you exist 

I said, and his eyes looked at me with hurt. I never told him that my dad didn't know about us. To say the truth, I don't even know why I haven't told him yet, but for some reason, I felt scared. I mean, Kitty and I didn't even tell him that we knew about Alex.

Minho: What? Y/n we have been dating for almost a month

He said, and I nodded, putting my hand on his cheek, and rubbing it slowly. I looked into his eyes, and I knew that he didn't like the fact that my dad had no idea about him. I didn't even know that he was this serious about our relationship. We are just sixteen years old with no idea what we will do in the future and no idea what life is going to reveal to us in the morning. We are just teenagers. I mean, I don't know if there is even going to be a tomorrow! 

Y/n: I know, and I am sorry for not doing it, but I felt scared, and I don't even know why-

Minho: Are you embarrassed by me or something?

He asked and my eyes widened. I could never be embarrassed by him 

Y/n: Of course not, I could never! You are the most amazing boyfriend ever, the problem is that I am stupid 

I said, rubbing his cheek and he relaxed at my touch before he took my hand in his and kissed it 

Minho: Don't call yourself that, love! I know that it may be too soon, but I think that I love you Y/n

He said, and I looked at him, not knowing what to say. Did he love me? Minho just said that he loved me. He didn't wait for my answer and just kissed me again. The truth is, I was scared to say these three words. Like if I said them then the world could be destroyed! I don't know why I didn't say it back, but I didn't feel ready to say it. It was too soon. I knew that I was falling for him hard, but did I love him?

I went back to the tent and saw Olympe sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up, so I sat outside on the ground and decided to call my dad. When he answered, he was at work and a huge smile immediately appeared on his face when he saw me on the screen 

Daniel: Hey honey! How is the camping trip?

He said and I smiled

Y/n: It is great Dad, but I called you because I wanted to tell you something important 

Daniel: Oh, you have a serious look on your face! What's wrong?

He asked with a laugh and I sighed 

Y/n: Well, I am dating someone 

I said, he first looked surprised, but then a smile appeared on his face

Daniel: Oh honey, you scared me that something bad happened, but this is really amazing news! Who is the lucky guy?

He asked and I sighed in relief. I felt so much better that now my dad knew about Minho 

Y/n: You remember the guy that helped me go to the hospital the day that I had an allergy attack! Well his name is Minho, and we have been dating now for almost a month 

I said and he smiled

Daniel: Well that's really amazing news honey, I really mean it! And as long as he makes you happy then I am happy too

He said and I smiled, looking at the ground

Daniel: Well, I can feel that something else also bothers you!

He said and I nodded

Y/n: It's only been a month and his mom already wants to meet me! But I don't feel like it is the right thing to do. I never realized how serious he is about our relationship. How do I know if it is the right thing to do anyway?

I said rubbing my knee, and he nodded, understanding what I was saying 

Daniel: You don't know if it is right or wrong! You just see it in the future. What I am trying to say is that you will just have to try, and then you will realize if it was the right or wrong decision

He said, and I smiled because I knew that what was saying was true.

Daniel: I have an idea! When you come home at the end of the semester, let's all go out for a lovely dinner. Trina and I will be around when you meet his mom so that you could feel better

I smiled and agreed with his idea

Y/n: That sounds amazing Dad 

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