As she made her way through the corridors, she took the call from Sister Xu Yan who explained that she had to submit the reports by the end of today.

D*mm she was only in high school and a prestigious one at that. Her grades were not going to keep up if she continued like this. Plus next year, it would be the college entrance exams and next year was just a few months away.

She pressed the end call when she accidentally bumped into a man who seemed equally lost in his own world.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Wang Linxue apologized, slightly flustered by the unexpected encounter.

The man, recovering from the collision, looked at her with a mix of curiosity. " That's ok. "

When she made a move to continue her phone call he interrupted again. "Excuse me, but has a student named Ling Zhirou and her entourage performed yet?" he asked eagerly.

Wang Linxue's brows furrowed in surprise. "Do you know her?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

The man's eyes sparkled with recognition. "Yes, she is my sister," he replied . "I heard she was performing today, and I didn't want to miss it."

Sister? Brother? Ling Zhirou had a brother? How did she not know about this? Was the man lying to her because as far as she knew , Ling Zhirou didn't have any siblings. As far as she knew.

She took a good look at the man again wearing a semi formal attire and perfectly made hair. How did one make his hair so much better than hers. It was so lush and dark plus it match his equally impeccable face. Why did Ling Zhirou always get the good stuff?

Besides the point.

He had the whole  fresh out of college or something vibe but he looked nothing like Ling Zhirou.

A frown tugged at the corners of her lips as she realized the man's connection to Ling Zhirou was a mystery to her. "Well, they are performing right now," she said, her voice carrying a hint of sceptism. "But you'll probably have a hard time finding a seat you know. The ground seats are full so you'll have to sit at he top floor."

The man's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you," he said sincerely, his eagerness shining through.

Wang Linxue watched as the man swiftly made his way towards the auditorium.

"Hey, wait!"

The man stopped abruptly and angled back to her with a raised eyebrow.

" Do you want me to escort?Don't want you to get lost or anything you know. Let's find your a seat ok?"

" I'm sure I can manage to find a seat. Don't worry." He sounded a tad annoyed.

Did he think she was trying hitting on him?  Maybe it was just her. Because she was just trying to be nice . If he did then ugh. He probably had many girls hitting on him anyway.

Wang Linxue shrugged and waited for him  to go into the auditorium before going back to her own seat. She already had enough of her step sister so it was better to avoid her and anything related to her.

As the final notes resonated through the air, the audience erupted into applause, their enthusiasm a testament to the awe-inspiring performance.

The final notes of the musical competition reverberated through the auditorium, signaling the end of a breathtaking display of talent and passion. Applause erupted, filling the air with a resounding ovation as the audience rose to their feet, their admiration for the performers palpable.

The teacher stepped forward, a smile of pride and satisfaction gracing his face as he addressed the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us extend our heartfelt congratulations to each and every participant of this remarkable musical competition," he announced, his words resonating with appreciation. After saying a few more things and addressing some facts the audience clapped again .

As the applause subsided, the program's organizer came forward holding a glass trophy with intricate designs on it.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for," She exclaimed, her eyes scanning the room before settling on the deserving winners. "It is with great pleasure that I announce the winners of this year's musical competition."

A drumroll filled the auditorium, heightening the suspense, she held the envelope containing the results, her hands steady then she announced the winners.

A collective gasp swept through the room, followed by a thunderous applause. Ling Zhirou's and her team mates eyes widened with disbelief before transforming into an expression of pure elation.

Wang Linxue, watched the scene unfold with a mixture of frustration. Her brows furrowed, and a tinge of resentment clouded her expression.

She was working her a*s off pulling all nighters to do Ling Zhirou's work and it made quite sour.

As the applause continued to echo through the auditorium, the complexities of emotions simmered beneath the surface.


" Let's go eat some food, I'm famished. You coming Yue?" Chi Minxia invited as they stepped out of the auditorium into the cold weather. Snow hadn't started yet but sweaters and coats where a constant accessory everyone wear nowadays. Their school won and they were going to brag about for a while to other schools but for now food was priority. They had sat there for hours now and it got tiring.

" What is her problem? " Shen Hui crossed her arms a standing beside Chi Minxia.

" I'll go ok alright." Long Yue snapped. " It's not like you actually want me there." She muttered resentfully

" Why wouldn't we want you there? You're our friend Yue. What has gotten into you?"

" Save it Minxia. If she doesn't want to come , she should go by herself then." Shen Hui sneered.

" Shen Hui." Wang Linxue scolded but stared at Long Yue who rolled her eyes at her to which Shen Hui scoffed.

" She's going to stab you in the back just you wait." Shen Hui flipped her hair in annoyance.

This was awkward.

" Hello, ladies! " Cheng Qi called out from afar with and a guy from class in tow who waved. Cheng Qi's glasses almost fell off his nose and he took it off completely when he reached their side.

" Hey guys. Cheng Qi how are you doing?" Chi Minxia smiled as she hugged her boyfriend awkwardly trying not to look anyone in the eyes due to embarrassment.

" I'm good. " They lingered a while before parting and Wang Linxue almost teased them for looking so cute.

" Um, where is my cousin? " Shen Hui asked him as he parted from his girlfriend.

" He'll meet us at the shop. Though, why are you always nosy. Linxue should be asking where her boyfriend is not you. If you weren't his cousin, I could have sworn you liked him." He scolded her.

" She's always putting her nose in other people's business, that's why." Long Yue commented.

" Hey, what did you say?" Annoyed, Shen Hui narrowed her eyes. " He's my cousin, and we love each other."

'Ok that sounded weird saying it out loud.' Everyone thought, including Shen Hui but she had a point somewhat.

" Watch out Wang Linxue, she might just steal your boyfriend along with your other sister." Long Yue mocked and turned away.

" She's just jealous. With they way she's acting, she is probably hiding something. And say what I want if I have from from the start unlike Yue Yue here who acts like everyone is her enemy now. If there is anyone you should watch out for it's her." Shen Hui said before continuing.

" Anyway let's go guys. Chi Minxia, Wang Linxue, let's go." She grabbed both their wrist and led them off like a child who was afraid of having their toy being stolen.

Wang Linxue stared back at Long Yue who was following behind them in pain.

Was it too late?

Ok, so you guys still haven't figured out why Ling Zhirou laughed in the previous chapter I wrote and it is in connection to why Ling Zhirou is acting weird. Just have to say, something bad is going to happen to one of my characters and it is in connection to Ling Zhirou. Plus Shen Hui is on to something.So stay tuned.

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now