Keep her 'way p'ease... (L!Cody & CG!Alejandro)

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Set in Total Drama World Tour <3

Regressor Cody (1-3)

Caregiver/ Babysitter Alejandro

Alejandro and Cody were just hanging out in first class, they weren't necessarily talking to each other, but it was nice to have someone in the room who you know is a safe person.

At least that's how Cody felt.

Sierra was so exhausting. She was in his space all the time, barely leaving him alone to use the bathroom, kissing and touching him everywhere (he swears he can still feel her lip gloss smothered all over his cheeks), stealing his stuff. She's so gross and creepy, yet they all laugh and entertain her idea that they were together. He hated it so much.

Cody could feel his brain regressing. He hasn't been able to properly regress with... her... around.

He felt tears slip out of his eyes and small sobs escape his mouth. Cody knew he was fully regressed now. All he wants is his emu Jerry and his paci and maybe some warm milk in a bottle, is that so much to ask for?

His thoughts were interrupted with someone grabbing his palms. Cody's eyes shot open. 'Sierra couldn't have snuck in... right?' he thought.

When his eyesight unblurred, he recognised the figure as the man he was sharing first class with, Alejandro.

"ody... Cody...? Are you ok??" the Latino asked softly, "Ok Cody, I'm gonna move you onto my lap and we're gonna practice some breathing, alright niño?" Cody giving a jagged nod, and being pulled into Alejandro's lap.

"Alright, breathe in and out with me..." Alejandro eventually got Cody's breathing sorted, after what seemed like hours.

"Cody, niño, is there anything I can do for you?" Alejandro asked the mentally 2 year old boy. Now Alejandro knew a regressor when he saw one, his step-sister was a regressor and while he hadn't really taken care of her, he did know a few things about caregiving.

Cody nods into Alejandro's chest, "Can I has my emu p'ease? An' my paci?" he asks. Alejandro nods, momentarily putting Cody down to grab his things out of the vent Cody had been hiding them in.

He gives the boy his emu stuffie, before washing the paci, popping it in Cody's mouth and then shifting him back into his lap.

"P'ease keep her 'way from me Ale..." Cody mumbles around his paci, already drifting off to sleep in Alejandro's lap, thankful for some space from Sierra.

"I won't let her get you ever again, mi querido." He promises, "Never again."

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