Nightmares (L! Will & CG! Lucas & Mike) 🥀

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Little! Will (2-3)
Caregivers! Lucas and Mike

Set in season 3, when both Lucas and Max have been broken up by their girlfriends. They are having a sleepover and Will has and nightmare and regresses. Both of them know about his age regression but Mike has only witnessed it once.

Mike's POV:
Quietly shutting the basement door, I make my way down the stairs softly and quietly as it is like 2am and both my friends are currently sleeping.

Or- I thought they were. As I step down the last stair, in the dark I see a huddled up Will Byers softly crying and wailing. I quickly head over, sitting cross-legged in front of him.

"Will? Hey can you hear me? Are you ok??" I whisper panickedly.

Will lifts his head just a little, and as he sees me, he eyes get watery again and he barrels himself head first into my chest.


I've only seen this one other time from Will, and that was with Jonathan. He's regressed, and by how he's acting he's pretty young.

Will told us about his regression about 2 months ago, however out of the party, I'm the only one who has seen him like this, and that was only once.

I'm trying to calm Will down. Whispering sweek nothings into his ears, patting his back and occasionally pressing a kiss to his hair or forehead.

I realise I have failed at trying to to be to quiet when I feel my other friend, Lucas Sinclair, stir next to me.

"Wha's goin' on?" he slirs sleepily, blinking at me and Will, whos head is still buried deep in my chest.

Will look at Lucas with puppy eyes and slowly brings his hands out, making what I think was grabby hands at Lucas.

I think he finally understands whats goung up, as he comes to sit with both Will and I, and Will shifts so he's sitting in my lap, but his feet are in Lucas'.

"Do you want to go to sleep now buddy?" I coo softly too him. He looks at me for a second, nods tiredly and lies his head back against my chest.

I slowly migrate him from my lap, to next to
me and into a position where he is facing Lucas and his back is turned against me. I slowly snake my arm around his waist and I feel Lucas grab onto his hand.

"Goodnight baby." I whisper to him as all three of us fall into a nightmare-less sleep.


A/N: I LOVE little Will with all my heart and I wish there was more fics for it tbh.

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