Tiny New Years (L! Will CG! Party) 🥀

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A/N: I'm going to be writing some more again!! My mental heath still isn't great but I've realised writing helps me cope with that so yeah!!

Little Will (2-3)

Caregiver Mike (Papa)

Sibs Lucas, Dustin and Max (El isn't in this bc I want to do a seperate chapter with her and Jonathan)

(AU Notes: Will only really regresses in front of his friends & siblings. Set in 2022.

3rd Person POV:

It was news years eve and the party, minus El who decided she wanted to spend New Years with Hopper and Joyce, were all hanging out in Mikes basement. Mike's parents were out, Nancy and Jonathan were at collage and Holly was at her friends house, so the party had the whole house to themselves.

Will was curled up on Max's lap, with a plain yellow paci in his mouth and a brown stuffed bear in his lap.

Will turns to look at Lucas, who is sitting beside Max, and asks "'ucas? When is papa gon be back? 'm miss 'im."

Lucas looks sympathetic before patting Will on the head gently and answering with "I'm sure he'll be home soon bud, do you want Dustin to call him for you?"

Will nods his head enthusiastically, while Dustin goes upstairs to grab his phone and call Mike.

Mike's POV:

As I hurriedly get in the car, my phone starts ringing, and the screen tells me that I'm getting a call from Dustin.

"Hey Dustin if everything o-" I get cut off by his loud voice.

"Dude where the hell are you?? You said you would be 10 minutes, and it's been half an hour! Will is getting upset, he misses you!!" He exclaims.

Oh shit- I really lost track of time huh. I saw a cute new sippy for Will and ended up getting him a whole heap of new stuff.

"Shit Dustin- tell Will I'm sorry and I'll be back in like 2 minutes." I tell him.

He just sighs and hangs up the phone and I hurry back home.

When I get home with my bag and go down to the basement, I'm met with a really little Will running towards me.

I catch him as he jumps into my arms, and hooks his legs around my waist. "What's up my sunshine?" I ask him.

"Miss 'ou papa!!" he whines at me.

"Awww it's ok my sweet prince, papa was just out buying you some new things!!" I coo at him, moving to sit on the couch, in between Dustin and Lucas, "Would you like to take a look at them?" I ask.

Will nods his head enthusiastically, all sadness being forgotten, as he reaches into his bag and starts going through his new stuff.

I am the luckiest caregiver and boyfriend ever.


A/N: This is just me really wanting a CG tbh :'D

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