About the Little Will AU :)

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So while waiting for me too write part 2 of Sad Snuggles, here is some info about this AU!

Season 4 is set in 2022, which means Season 3 was 2021 etc
Will told the group about his regression Spring of 2021, so just a couple of months before the time of season 3 (i think- im not american so idk your seasons)

Will regresses to 2-4 usually but as mentioned in 'Sad Snuggles' he has been known to regress younger
Mike is his main 'caregiver' however the whole party takes care of him when he is little!
Lucas and Dustin calles him names like buddy and kiddo, El usually sticks to just Will or sunshine, Max calls him sunskate and literally no one in the party knows where it came from. Mike will call him whatever he wants to be called, including but not limited to: baby, sunshine, lovely, babylove, darling etc.

Joyce, Hopper & Jonathan are aware of his regression, but Will has asked for them to not get involved unless they have too :D he prefers being little with the party.

Characters Pronouns and other relavent information:
Will: he/they- age regressor 1-4
Mike: he/him- primary cg :D
Lucas: he/him- secondary cg :)
Dustin: he/she- fun older family friend taht you always play video games with
Eleven/El/Jane: she/they- sister !
Max: she/he/they- that one cool older cousin

I'm going to write Mike's apology later ! Will have a lot of comfort and Will being babied (bc he is a baby when he regresses, not bc of his trauma) and just lots of soft fluff

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