Chapter 22

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Lily's Pov

Today was the day. I was getting married. My face was currently being plastered with makeup and my hair was being put into a bun. My bridesmaids were Jo and Amelia they were dressed in a dark purple. Zola, Bailey, Elis, Luna, Scout, Harriet, Leo and Allison were flower girls and ring bearers. It was weird because I knew these kids from day-care and now they were part of my Grey Sloan family.

The time finally came for our wedding I was so excited and nervous. There Link stood at the end of the aisle with that big grin I loved. The only thing that mattered was him.

We stood at altar ready to say our vowels.

"Link," I started. "I never thought a Tinder date would leave to me meeting the love of my life. "I am endlessly thankful for the love, joy, and laughter you've brought into my life. I promise to always laugh with you, cry with you and pick you up when you fall."

I looked down for a moment. "I love how you always support me and care for me and allow me to be me." "As we step into this new chapter of our lives, I pledge to grow alongside you. I promise to learn from our experiences, to be patient when we face challenges, and to always communicate openly and honestly with you. Our love will only deepen with time."

"With all the love in my heart, I pledge my love to you, Link. Today, tomorrow, and for all the days of my life. You are my everything, and I am eternally grateful for the love we share. I can't wait to see what our future holds, hand in hand, together forever."

He smiled with tears of joy streaming down his face.

"Lily," he started. "As I stand here today, surrounded by our loved ones, I can't help but smile at how far we've come. From the moment we met, I knew there was something extraordinary about you, and today, I'm filled with joy knowing that I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

He paused for a moment. "I am endlessly thankful for your presence in my life. Your kindness, your unwavering support, and your incredible sense of humour have enriched my days in ways I could have never imagined. I cherish the little moments we've shared and the grand adventures we've embarked on together."

"I promise to stand by your side through every twist and turn that life throws our way. I vow to support you in your dreams, to lift you up when you stumble, and to celebrate with you when you succeed. With you, I have found my partner, my confidant, and my greatest love."

He let out a shaky breath and stroked my face. "With all the love in my heart, I take you, Lily, to be my partner in life. I promise to love you today, tomorrow, and for all the days of my life. You are my sunshine on the darkest days, my confidant in the storm, and my joy in every moment. I love you more than words can express."

There was not a single dry eye in the room.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest said.

And we locked our lips, a seal of a life long union.

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