Chapter 5

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Link's POV

Today Lily and I were going to spend the day with Scout, and I was nervous. I loved her and I knew she was good with kids but I needed Scout to be okay with my choice. I was putting him in his jeans and jacket when Jo let Lily in.

"Hi babe," she said kissing me on the lips.

"Hey baby," I responded.

"This must be Scout," she said, "And I got you a little gift." She pulled out this toy giraffe, Scout started smiling and clapping as she passed it to him.

"How did you know?" I asked

"He's 16 months old, I took a lucky guess," she replied.

I kissed her passionately.

We had an exciting day going to the zoo, the park and for ice cream, Scout loved Lily calling her Lil. Watching her with my son made me fall more and more in love, I could imagine marrying her and having children with her. Everything was perfect.

Authors note:

so we finally met Scout! Update will be out next week

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