Chapter 6

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Lily's POV

Working in day-care was not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a teacher, but I simply didn't have that option financially. The hospital day-care paid awfully, and we were short staffed and over-worked and had an awful manager. To be honest the only real meals I had was when I was with Link, he always paid for me knowing I wasn't exactly earning six figures, but he still did not know the extent of my brokenness. I was having trouble meeting my rent payments and I knew soon I was going to have to move. The problem. I couldn't afford a new place.

I was a walking zombie halfway between being asleep and awake. Someone had pulled out of their shift last minute and now I was stuck working my third 6 hour shift in 24 hours. One of the 3 year old's was having one of his meltdowns. This particular kid was violent when he was upset throwing stuff around the room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him grabbing a chair to hit another child I ran to stop him. All of sudden I was on the floor I had fell over one of the toys in the room, I had definitely at least sprained it.


The chair had been smashed on my arm. I wanted to cry my arm was broken. I kept on trying to page management to come take over the room as I lay on the floor unable to move, and then everything went black.

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