Chapter One

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A/N: Don't kill me for this but I started another SOA book! I'll update the others but writer's block has been kicking my ass and yes, life has been life-ing! Definitely want to go another route with this one though so look for an update every Sunday. No, it's not connected to the others. It will be stand alone.

Chapter One

Amid a mental battle, Alanna found herself at a lonesome bar with only her sorrows to drown. She paid no mind to the catcalls as she strolled in with a black backless one-piece halter short dress that fit her tall, athletic yet curvaceous stature like a glove. Her light brown curls flowed down to her waist and of course the girl was all dolled up. She couldn't help the slight sway of her hips as she walked in 6-inch heels to the bar to catch a seat.

"Hey, do you have a phone?", she asked the bleach blonde bartender once she settled into a barstool. "Mines just died."

"Sorry sweetie! My phone is all locked up. We have a pay phone right over there if you need to call a ride," she gestured with her chin towards the pay phone nearby a group of men playing pool and having biker chicks drape off them like cheap coats.

Alanna ordered a double shot of Tequila before she threw down a $20 and headed to the phone. She needed to get the fuck away from here. It had been two hours since she left her security detail and ditched the phone on side of the road just in case they decided to track her down. A quick deep breath and she made her way over to the phone.

Unfortunately, this wasn't her best night. A pale arm littered with crappy tattoos shot out to block her way and she clicked her tongue against her teeth in annoyance. She wished she had a machete to cut off all his favorite body parts just for disrupting her peace.

"What's a pretty caramel chick like you doing in a place like this?", the drunken ass who stopped her came closer smelling off all the liquor he had drunk for the night.

The beautiful woman fixed him with a fake smile to avoid drama.

"Just need the phone."

"Give me your number and you can pass through. I need a new piece of ass to grab on every now and again."

The guys nearby chuckled as the women clinging to them giggled at the crude joke. They were easily intoxicated and high on stuff by the way their red eyes stood out against their pale skin and this one before her kept rubbing his nose as if he had a cold.

"No, thank you," she tried to step around him only for his arm to shoot out again in her way. "Please stop. I just need the phone."

"And I just need those pretty lips wrapped around my cock until you're gagging, pretty lady."

She lifted a brow in disgust but didn't gag like she wanted to. Instead of moving towards him again, she backed away. It was clear she would have to create a scene to even do what she needed to do. This asshole and his friends were laughing as if it were a funny comedy show.

"Let the lady use the phone, asshole!", a bearded man wearing a beanie spoke up from her left side.

He had been sitting alone and the beer in front of him was surrounded by shot glasses. The deep grumble of his voice caused everyone to look over in surprise. Alanna thought it was kind to speak up for her especially with this one being belligerent and clearly sexually harassing her.

"And who the fuck asked you?!", the asshole hyped up at the prospect of a fight.

"Don't worry about it. I'm over it," Alanna mumbled as she continued to step back but before she could get far, the idiot grabbed her by the wrist and tugged her into his chest. "Get the fuck off me, bastard!"

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