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After throwing the flash grenade, Akin took advantage of the confusion created by the blinding light and noise. Using his training as a special ops soldier, he rolled on the floor to avoid the shrapnel and quickly regained his footing. Without hesitation, he grabbed his bag and sprinted toward the staircase.

As he descended the steps two at a time, he could hear the sounds of pursuit behind him. His heart racing, he knew he didn't have much time. At the bottom of the stairs, Akin burst through the door leading outside.

He found himself facing a landscape courtyard surrounded by high walls. To his right, he spotted a maintenance shed with a metal door.

Without pause, he rushed inside and locked the door behind him

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Without pause, he rushed inside and locked the door behind him. Breathless and sweating profusely, Akin collapsed onto a pile of rags in the corner.

For several minutes, he lay still, listening intently for any signs of the authorities. When he felt confident enough, he pulled out his device and began to study the map of the surrounding area.

After careful consideration, Akin decided to head northwest. He reasoned that the dense forest and hilly terrain would provide better cover than the city, which was likely swarming with law enforcement officers searching for him.

Using back roads and trails, Akin managed to make it to the outskirts of his home village before dawn.

Exhausted yet determined, he approached the house where he had grown up. With trembling feet, he yelled his mother's name through the door opening. He felt immense relief when his mother, Rose, had recognized his voice immediately and let him in without question.


Overwhelmed with emotion, Akin broke down into tears as he embraced her tightly

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Overwhelmed with emotion, Akin broke down into tears as he embraced her tightly.

For months, Akin remained hidden away in his childhood home, living off-grid and avoiding all contact with the outside world. However, after receiving word that the authorities were closing in on his location.

He knew it was time to leave once more. Traveling only at night and sticking to little known unpopulated areas, Akin eventually settled in a small coastal town several hundred kilometers south of Lago.

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