Maroni Catch-Up

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Full Names:

Girl: Y/n Maria Maroni

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Girl: Y/n Maria Maroni

Boy: Y/n Salvatore Maroni

Who are you're Godparents/Other Family:

Who are you're Godparents/Other Family:

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Frankie Carbone was your Godfather.

How you annoy them:

When you were younger you would always be able to boss around the workers, which Maroni found cute, but when your curiosity got the best of you-when it came to the mafia-he got annoyed

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When you were younger you would always be able to boss around the workers, which Maroni found cute, but when your curiosity got the best of you-when it came to the mafia-he got annoyed. Mainly, for your safety.


He would always call you Lil' Sal or Lil' Maroni, even the odd Mr/Ms

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He would always call you Lil' Sal or Lil' Maroni, even the odd Mr/Ms. Boss. He loved how you always were a leader and loved to take charge-just like himself.

First Words:

Maroni, Bones, and Carbone were at Lidia's celebrating Bones getting out-again

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Maroni, Bones, and Carbone were at Lidia's celebrating Bones getting out-again. Of course, since Lidia loved you, she was holding you on her hip. It was kind of late, well for you it was-being a baby and all. Lidia could tell you were a little cranky but knew it was better for you to still be in her arms than in Maroni's since he was drinking and he had a gun on him. However, you wanted your father, so naturally to only get his attention, you need to speak up. "Dada!" You shout, and the room goes quiet. "What babes?" Maroni asks, turning his full attention to you. "Dada!" you repeat and oh boy the praise you get from everyone. Maroni, of course, made everyone take a shot for your first words.

What feature/trait do you have of him:

You take after your father's raven hair and authoritative personality

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You take after your father's raven hair and authoritative personality.

When he forgets to pick you up:

Normally, Frankie picks you up from school, but your dad does love to surprise you every week

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Normally, Frankie picks you up from school, but your dad does love to surprise you every week.


What he gave you:

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What he gave you:

You naturally inherited all his businesses and territory in Gotham

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You naturally inherited all his businesses and territory in Gotham.

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