Jerome: Artist

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~You're about 5 years old~

Jerome had a meeting with the Legion of Horribles, which was held at Oswald's estate, about the next steps in their plans. No one could babysit you better than your father, of course, so you had to tag along. 

Across the dining room was a hallway and then the living room. Jerome never wanted to get you involved in his line of work, so he put you in the living room to protect your innocence for as long as possible. 

Jerome left you some crayons, blank sheets of paper, colouring books, washable markers, the works. 

You were always very sweet, curious, but was fairly smart. You could always be able to sense moods-like if there was any tension in the room. Pretty much, you were good at reading people for a 5 year old. 

You've been able to tell the hostile tension between Oswald and Jerome since the breakout, something you didn't like. You never liked seeing people sad or mad, you were always kind of a peace keeper. 

"So Germs and Lady, we have important business to discuss. As you already know, the trials for the insanity gas has begun, but Mr. Crane told me more needs to be done. In the mean time, I would like Johnathan and Victor to work their science magic together, while Firefly and Mr. Tetch retrieve my lovely mail. Oswald, I would like you to find more recruits-as you've seem to be very good at finding muscle, like Grundy. Oh, and Grundy, you will be going will Firefly and Tetch, just in case anything happens. Now, let's get to work!" Jerome concludes, not letting anyone get a chance to speak as he wanted to get Y/n out of there and back home, so that they can pack up and move to another location to steer Oswald and the cops away. 

However, fate had other plans for Jerome. When Jerome entered the living room, you weren't there. He began to silently panic, like any parent would when their child is missing, except for him it was worst because he couldn't bare to think about what someone would do to use you against him.

Bathroom? Nope

Kitchen? Nope

Oswald's Bedroom? Nope

Bridget's Bedroom? Nope

Victor's Bedroom? Nope

Tetch's Bedroom? Nope

Bag Head's Bedroom? Nope

Grundy's Bedroom? Nope

The other bathroom? Nope

The other other bathroom? Nope

The big bathroom? Nope

The small bathroom? Nope

The laundry room? Nope

The other living room? Nope

Outside?! NOPE

Jerome started running out of ideas. The only places left to look was the pool, the garage, the basement, and the office. Jerome was more worried of you going to the basement, considering that it would terrify you. 

Jerome bolts for the basement first, noting wanting to take any chances. Luckily, you weren't there. Especially, considering the two bloody bodies on the floor. 

Next on his list was the garage. In the garage, there was a lot of children's things for Martin, so of course since Martin has been sent away, everything was relocated into the garage. Of course you knew about this since Oswald has mentioned it before to you to let you play in there, since no dangerous objects or cars were within the garage. However, when Jerome swung open the inside door to the garage, he was met with no laughter, light, or a shadow of his daughter.

Next was the pool. As much as he loves his daughter to death, he never allowed her to swim since he didn't know how to swim. Plus, they didn't own a pool because of the circus, so why need to learn how to swim? He ran threw the dining room, the kitchen, the breakfast nook, but once he reached those sliding glass doors, you weren't there.

Last stop was the office, his second least favourite spot in the estate. He marched his way upstairs and to the office, only to see the door slightly adjacent. He takes a slight peak to see inside. He hears your little voice say "Mr. Penguin?" He saw Oswald look up from his papers to see your short figure standing in front of his desk. "Yes child?" Oswald sounded quite annoyed. "I made you something." You said before walking closer to the desk, getting on your tippy-toes and trying to slide the sheet onto the desk with only your eyes being seen from Oswald's side. 

Oswald assisted the rest of the way, seeing you struggle to place the sheet onto the desk. As he grabs the sheet, you stay in your spot on your tippy-toes still, except now your tiny palms grab the desk to try and peak over more. 

Oswald examined the art work you made

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Oswald examined the art work you made. "You are quite the artist Y/n. Thank you very much." Oswald praises, happy that she made something for him. "Can I give you a hug?" Your tiny voice asked shyly, slightly muffled by the table your mouth was up against. "Sure, why not?" Oswald says in a happier tone. Jerome softly opened the door in the middle of your hug as to not disrupt the happy moment. 

"Well, do I get a hug too?" Jerome says in a playful tone after Oswald broke apart the hug. "DADDY!" you yell before running up to your father. "Hi sweet girl. You had me worried Munchkin, I was looking all over for you." Jerome says. "I'm sorry...I just wanted to show Mr. Penguin what I made for him..." You say shyly, not liking that you made your father worry. "It's okay gorgeous, I found you and that's all that matters right?" Jerome asks cheerfully. You nodded and pulled him back in for a hug.

"She is quite an artist Jerome. I now see where she gets it from." Oswald says, holding up her piece of art work for Jerome to see. "Wow munchkin! That's so good!" Jerome says before peppering your face with kisses making you giggle.

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