Chapter One Hundred and Two

Start from the beginning

        "Yep. We'll have to get at least a two-bedroom place, that way they can have their own little room when they come over for a sleepover," I said, smiling to myself.

        "Yeah," Grayson said, shifting slightly to get more comfortable. Then he asked, "Are you sure you're okay leaving this place?"

        "I mean, I don't have much attachment to the house," I confessed. "I only bought it a couple years ago."

        "What about your mother?" he asked quietly.

        Instantly, I felt terrible that I hadn't considered her. I hesitated and said, "I mean...I could visit her. Or she could be moved; I had her cremated, so it wouldn't be hard."

        "Okay. You can think about it, you don't have to decide today," Grayson said gently. "Just keep it in mind."

        I nodded, grateful I had him to think of things that should've been common sense. "Thank you."

        "I just want you to be happy where you live," he said, concerned.

        "I mean, I'm really just happy to live with you," I said with a smile. "Doesn't really matter where."

        "Our own house, where we'll come home from work and get to see each other after long days," he murmured.

        "No traveling crazy distances just to see each other," I agreed.

        He smiled. "Birthdays and anniversaries together, all the time."

        "Falling asleep next to my favorite person in the whole world," I said softly.

         Grayson couldn't hold back his smile as he leaned closer and kissed me. My heart slammed around inside me; I still wasn't used to kissing him with such fluttery feelings. It's a thousand times better than just kissing him because I wanted to. While yes, the moment is amazing, part of me can't help but be excited that I'll get to kiss him like this for the rest of our lives. It's a thrilling notion, to know you'll have that connection with someone forever.

        Sitting up, Grayson pulled me upwards so that I was straddling his thighs. Cupping his face in my hands, I tucked my fingers behind his ears, brushing his dark brown hair. He gripped my waist with both hands, silently letting me know I wasn't going anywhere. Warmth rushed through me, spreading across my skin like wildfire.

        Then glass shattered behind me. 

        Whipping around, I found Kylie standing in the doorway, a broken vase of flowers at her feet. Water had turned the carpet dark brown, even seeping into her socks, but she didn't even notice. All she could do was stand there, gaping.

        Grayson coughed. "Hi, Kylie. Long time no see."

        I buried my face in my hands. "Can you give us a sec, Kylie?"

        Still slack-jawed, she slowly backed out of the room, even shutting the door behind her. It was only until the latch had clicked did the pained screaming outside start.

        Grimacing, I crawled off Grayson and said, "Sorry."

        "No worries. I should've guessed she'd check on you today. She's a good friend," he said cheerfully, unfazed by the awkward moment.

        "Yeah..." I was trying not to blush in embarrassment as I quickly ran a brush through my hair. "Um, let me clean up the glass quickly."

        Grayson pulled on his jeans while I found the vacuum cleaner and sucked up the little bits of vase lying in the doorway. I also used the precaution of fuzzy slippers, while he simply walked around in bare feet like a madman. Or a Canadian. 

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