Chapter Thirty-Five

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        On Saturday, I woke up to Grayson leaning over me and kissing my cheek. Confused, I could only look up at him with a quizzical look on my face. He smiled and whispered, "Happy birthday."

        "Oh...yeah," I said, still confused and half asleep. Okay, true, it was my birthday. But I'd never told Grayson the date. Nor had I thought he'd care much about my birthday.

        Seeing my expression, he said, "I asked Kylie when your birthday was when she visited. Figured there was a good chance I'd be around for it."

        "That was thoughtful," I remarked, sitting up and stretching. "Thanks."

        Grayson went to the dresser and picked up one of the hugest rose bouquets I'd ever seen. My jaw must've been on the floor because he laughed and said, "I got you flowers."

        "Awww, you didn't have to!" I said, my heart melting. He's seriously so thoughtful. I got up and hugged him, saying, "Thank you, they're beautiful."

        "Just like you," he said with a grin. "Now get ready, we've got a long day of birthday surprises."

        Birthday surprises? I'd never had those, except when I was maybe really little. Kylie and Nina sometimes convinced me to go out for dinner or see a movie on my birthday, but other than that I wasn't big on celebrating. "What are we doing?" I asked, intrigued. 

        Grayson gave me that glittering wink. "It's a surprise. Just dress for a long day of walking around," he instructed.

        The suspense was thrilling. I got ready for the day, putting on an olive green dress with long flowy sleeves and a short skirt. I matched it with black boots and did my hair in what I hoped were elegant pigtails. Grayson met me in the foyer, wearing a button down periwinkle shirt and casual tan slacks. Still dressy, but much more relaxed than the clothes he usually wore. His hair was also slightly tousled, messy in comparison to his usual combed style.

        "Ready?" he asked, offering me his hand. I shyly took it, knowing that we would probably have to hold hands most of the day in public. While we weren't actively being watched (like with Laura), the press would surely be aware of Grayson taking his wife out for a birthday celebration.

        We first stopped for coffee. Tay wished me happy birthday and gave me a small wrapped package, whispering, "It's candy. Just a ton of candy. It will make you very happy."

        I laughed and hugged him, saying, "Thank you, I'm sure it will make me very happy."

        He grinned and handed me our lattes, saying, "Have a good birthday, love."

        "He gave you ten kilos of candy, didn't he?" Grayson sighed as we walked outside.

        "Maybe," I said with a giggle. 

        "He gives everyone ten kilos of candy. It's his signature move," he explained.

        "Well it's a perfect gift," I said, popping a chocolate in my mouth. I offered Grayson some, but he declined politely.

        "So what are we doing first?" I asked through a mouthful of candy.

        "I thought we could go shopping, get lunch, then head to the second surprise," he said, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

        "Shopping for what?" I asked.

        Grayson shrugged. "Anything. We've got a super big mall, so I figured we could walk around and just sort of get whatever."

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