Chapter Sixty-Six

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        Grayson and I went to work. Kylie was awoken, helped to her feet and taken beneath my wing. Grayson made hot chocolate and started up the fire, trying to warm everyone up. I seated our guests on the couch, wrapping them both in blankets.

         "Thanks, Jackie," Kylie said miserably. She thanked Grayson too when he handed her a mug of hot chocolate.

        "What happened to you guys?" he asked worriedly, sitting down in the big armchair.

        "It's been an awful week," Clay said grimly, taking a shaky sip from his mug. "She told the press. They've been everywhere. They even staked out my house. I couldn't even get Kylie to the airport, because they're so present."

        I covered my mouth. Grayson grimaced and asked, "Are they downstairs, then?"

        Clay hesitated. "Well..."

        "Oh gosh," I groaned.

        "Okay, they will be soon," he said quickly. "I may or may not have driven like a maniac from Montreal. It's very likely I lost them in the wind and snow. And in the speed."

        "So you're also likely wanted by the police," I noted.

        He cracked a feeble grin. "You know me so well, Jackie."

        Grayson stood, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, between you and me, Clay, I think we've got plenty of security. You guys are welcome to camp out here until the wedding."

        "Thank you, you guys," Clay said, getting up to hug us both. "I'm sorry for bringing them here, I just..."

        "It's okay," I said softly, holding onto him for a moment longer. "I'm just glad you're safe. Both of you."

         Kylie hadn't said anything the entire time, listlessly staring at the fire. I sat down next to her and whispered, "Hey."

        "I never thought it would be this bad," she croaked through dry lips. "I thought it would be a smear in the mud. But I'm trying to hide from reporters and Clay's trying to get away and I am scared, Jackie."

        "Oh, Kylie," I said, hugging her. She buried her face in my shoulder, crying. I noticed Grayson and Clay leave the room, clearly wanting to give her space.

        "I know how crazy it is," I said sadly. "And I know that you're standing strong because you love Clay, and I admire that so much. But if it is too much..."

        "No," she sniffled. "I can't go through this nightmare then lose him on top of it."

        "I know," I murmured. She cried for a bit longer, until finally I was able to coax her out of the blankets. "Let's get you a hot shower and some fresh clothes, okay?"

        "Okay," she mumbled. 

        I got her a wardrobe change (she and Clay hadn't had time to pack anything) and left her to freshen up. Closing the door behind me, I went back to the living room, where the two brothers were in deep discussion.

        "How is she?" Clay asked anxiously.

        "Not good," I admitted. "But I think she just needs extra support and love right now. What has the press been saying about her?"

         "I...I haven't been able to read much of it," he confessed. "It's too awful. But what bits and pieces I've seen..."

         I pulled out my phone and searched for her name. Scathing, wicked headlines came up, ones that made my stomach boil. According to them, and to Laura, Kylie had been pregnant. Okay, fine. But then they claimed she had faked it for the money, trying to rope Clay into legally owing her millions. Now, for some reason, he was covering for her.

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