Chapter Seventy-Eight

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        Grayson let me stay in the carriage when we stopped to pick up dinner. A few minutes after pulling up to the curb, he returned with two giant bags of food and two plastic cups. Instantly, I felt guilty for sitting in the carriage.

        "You didn't tell me it was this much, I could've come in to help you carry it all," I fretted, taking some of it from him.

        He laughed. "You were the one who helped me order it, remember?"

        "How much did all of this cost?" I asked, worried.

        He pecked my cheek. "Considering your wedding dress cost tens of thousands of dollars, nothing. Don't worry about it."

        "But you know I worry about it," I argued. 

        "Yeah. Anyways, we've got dinner and our flight is in an hour. I'd say we're making good time on our escape," he said, carefully arranging our goodies so they wouldn't tip.

        "How are we supposed to get to the airport, anyways?" I asked. "It's not like we can take a horse-drawn carriage down the freeway."

        Grayson grinned. "Private entrance for us snooty rich people. Pretty cool, huh?"

        "Sometimes I like being snooty rich people," I admitted with a laugh.

        The carriage pulled up to the gate, where Grayson and I were let out. We thanked the driver and grabbed our suitcases, walking out onto the tarmac. I shivered, unprepared for the bitter cold winds.

        "Here," Grayson said, draping his jacket over my shoulders. I shot him a grateful smile as we were escorted out to his private plane, the plane that looked oh-so-warm. 

        Safely inside, we set our luggage aside and the door shut behind us. The first thing I noticed was how quiet it was. The second thing I noticed was how...relaxed I felt. Last time I'd felt so carefree and limp was on my birthday, and before that...I don't think I'd even met Grayson yet.

        He came over and gave me a giant hug, holding me for just a few minutes. I squeezed my eyes shut, soaking in the fact that there was no plan. There was no sneaky surprise, or diversion ahead of us. We were just going on a week-long vacation together. It was lovely.

        The moment was broken by the pilot alerting us to put on our seatbelts. Grayson and I sat next to each other in the comfy leather chairs, preparing for takeoff.

        I scratched my wrist, muttering, "All this lace is itchy."

        "As soon as we're in the air, you can change," he promised.

        "Okay. Here's your jacket back," I said, handing it to him. He took it, setting it on the table in front of us.

        The seatbelt light was turned off, so we both unbuckled. I grabbed my backpack and went into the bedroom (because yes, Grayson's plane has a full-size bedroom). My cozy joggers and t-shirt greeted me, but unfortunately, I had a dilemma.

        I poked my head out the door, asking, "Grayson?"

        "Yeah?" he asked, turning in his seat.

        "Can you please unzip me?" I asked sheepishly.

        "Sure," he said, jumping to his feet. I turned around so he could undo the hook and zipper at the back of my neck.

        "There you go," he said, pulling the zipper about halfway down my back. I thanked him and went back into the bedroom, gladly dumping the dress in the corner and changing into my normal clothes. The dress would be dealt with later. For now, I needed some wedding rest.

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