Chapter Nineteen

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        The girls were stunned when Grayson pulled up to the house, stunned right into silent awe. Neither of them said a word as I grabbed their suitcases from the trunk and beckoned them to follow me inside. Grayson had insisted they stay with us for the weekend, claiming he had the room so why not? I personally thought it was a great way for us to get caught in our lies, but it was such a kind favor I couldn't argue much about it.

        "You live here, Jackie?" Kylie asked in amazement as we walked into the huge marble hall.

        "Yeah. For now, at least. Grayson and I will have to find a place soon," I said. Grayson and I had no such intentions–for now, we could live here, then go on our honeymoon, then be done with each other. 

        "You live like a literal princess," Nina swooned, twirling in her delight.

        "Um, yeah," I said with a wince. I still felt guilty about living so lavishly all because I'd accidentally married someone. "Anyways, your guys' rooms are upstairs, first two on the right."

        "Thanks," they both said. Kylie blew me a kiss as they went upstairs, and I waved in return.

        "Your friends seem great," Grayson told me.

        "They are,"  I agreed. "Although I do find it interesting neither of them has called me insane yet."

        "Me too," he laughed.

        Right then, Clay came back downstairs, and Grayson and I must've been giving him a similar look because he asked, "What?"

        "So...Kylie," I prompted.

        He blushed. "What about her?"

        "You seemed to be flirting with her pretty hard," I said accusingly.

        "Oh, that. Um, well, it's not going to work," he stuttered. "I'm probably too young for her. And she's like, so super pretty. I don't really have a shot." 

        "She's only twenty-one," I pointed out, which I then realized was not helping my case.

        "And I'm eighteen," Clay reminded me.

        I cleared my throat, reminding myself of my mission. "Look, can you please stay away from my best friend? I know you guys will be in the wedding together and everything, but even you have to admit you're a little, er, too charming sometimes." 

        "Me, too charming? Never," he said, a little of his old sparkle returning. It faded as he said, "Eh, doesn't matter. Your girl is good, Answell."

        "Please don't call me that," I complained.

        "Sure, Answell."

        "Ugh, you sound like mom," Grayson groaned. 

        "See, she does it out of weirdoness. I do it out of love. Loving annoying you," Clay remarked, crushing his brother with a hug.

        Grayson rolled his eyes and did his classic 'pretending Clay isn't there.' He turned to me and said, "When are you going dress shopping?" 

        "Saturday. Laura has thankfully and unexpectedly not invited herself along, which I personally find surprising," I sighed.

        He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, surprising me since we no longer needed to fake affection in front of Clay. "Just pick something you feel beautiful in, okay? I know it's not exactly like getting to pick out your wedding dress for real, but it should still be something special," he said seriously.

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