Chapter Twenty-Seven

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        Okay, so this might seem really off, but normally, I was not good at partying. This fact had been somewhat askew in the past couple of months, considering how I'd met Grayson, but I was relieved to see that I was still indeed a terrible partier.

        "Care to dance?" Grayson asked, holding out his hand.

        "I broke my ankle last Tuesday," I said before thinking. It was my go-to response, one that normally worked. Except I'd forgotten that Grayson wasn't just a stranger and that I did in fact live with him.

        He gave me a look. "I was with you last Tuesday. It was fine."

        "Ah, right. Sorry. Used to just lying so I don't have to participate," I said sheepishly.

        "Wow. You don't want to dance with me?" he asked, wounded beyond belief. 

        "Wow. You don't want to dance with me?" he asked, wounded beyond belief.

        I rolled my eyes. "I do. You'd just be surprised how many times Kylie and Nina have tried to drag me into 'fun' and I have to make something up."

        "Something tells me I wouldn't be all that surprised," he said, grinning.

        "Right. Anyways, yes I'll dance with you," I said, taking his extended hand. 

        Grayson pulled me to a safe section of the dance floor, away from Laura and away from anyone he knew who would end up talking to us. Feeling like he deserved some form of explanation for my behavior, I sheepishly said, "I've never danced with anyone before."

        "That's okay, it's not hard. I'll teach you," he said, still being his kind, forgiving self. Sometimes it bugged me that he was this nice.

        Nervous, I stepped closer to him and felt his hand fall to my waist, a soft pressure over the silk of my dress. His free hand gently grasped mine, his fingers locking next to mine. A faint warmth hummed between our palms, and I couldn't help but be confused. I don't know why this was suddenly much more than I'd signed up for. It's a dance, just a dance, yet I was feeling like someone had put me in a toaster. 

        "What do I do with this hand?" I whispered, concerned. I have two hands. That's a hand too many.

        "My shoulder or chest," he said, thankfully not laughing at me.

        I quickly chose shoulder and let him push me back. "Then we just sort of go with it."

        I went with it for about twenty seconds. The tension quickly became thick and I couldn't look him in the eyes. How do you dance with someone who you've accidentally married? 

        "Jackie, it's okay, I'm not going to bite," he said, smiling down at me.

        "You might," I mumbled, still focusing on not tripping.

        "No, I won't. This may surprise you, but I'm not a cannibal."

        "You might be." 

        Grayson sighed. "Jacks, I promise, I'm not. Besides, dancing is supposed to be fun!"

        "Your mother has made sure that this is not fun," I pointed out helpfully. "This is the dustiest, most classical music I've ever heard."

        "It's slow, so no one gets tired. Pretty genius, isn't it?" he said. 

        I shrugged. "Or just boring."

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