Chapter 99 - Returning to the Surface

Start from the beginning

"Lady Sakura has been poisoned. I've recovered a sample of her blood and determined it's jansem poison. I think that's enough of a confirmation if you ask me."

"What do you mean?"

"Lady Sakura's only awake and moving around 'cause she's got some special technique or something they teach the nobles in Higashi. In other words, I'm willing to bet that Duke Revelo was done in by the exact same poison."

"W-What do you mean!?" The coachman exclaimed, surprised. "Are you insinuating that Lord Bastiche would poison his own father!?"

Medrauta stared at the man for a second, wondering how he could be so oblivious. Then she shook her head, realizing that the coachman hadn't exactly been privy to Dame Marilyn's letter, nor did he actually have much information regarding the situation outside of the official statement.

Of course, the coachman was aware that Medrauta and Viviane had been wary of Bastiche's claims, but he still doubted that the lord would actually poison the duke. It was an act that amounted not only to treason, but patricide. Normally, something like that would be unthinkable even for the most heinous of criminals.

Medrauta nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying. Bastiche screwed up, if you ask me. Jensam is a plant that only grows here in the empire. Sir Riku didn't even know what kind of poison his lady had been afflicted with and had been forced to watch helplessly as Lady Sakura's life ebbed away with each passing day."

"...I see." The coachman nodded. Though a soldier now, his previous occupation as a guardsman in a large city once tasked him with investigating crimes and apprehending criminals. As he listened to Medrauta speak, his past instincts resurfaced, allowing him to realize the importance of her words.

While he initially thought that the foreigners could simply be putting on an extremely elaborate show by also imbibing the poison in an effort to clear themselves of suspicion, he quickly dismissed the thought. After all, he'd lived and worked in the capital for long enough to know that a knight would never willingly allow their noble to suffer so greatly.

"Medrauta! Lady Sakura says she's ready to go!" Viviane called out to her knight from inside the carriage. It was a tight fit, but they'd managed to squeeze all three of themselves into the vehicle's cramped interior.

Medrauta nodded. She glanced into the interior with a pensive stare, holding her gaze for a short while before finally making a decision. "It pains me to be apart from you, but will you be fine alone?"

Viviane stared at Medrauta speechlessly for a moment. "Um... W-What? What do you mean, Medrauta?"

"I'll ride with the coachman on the box seat. It's far too cramped for comfort in there and Lady Sakura is already unwell. Besides, do you really think I haven't noticed how badly you've been wanting to catch up with her?"

Those mere words had caused Medrauta's heart to tighten even as she spoke them. Of course, she was aware of how her lady had worried incessantly about Sakura and how much she'd wanted to catch up with the foreigner, but even so, she hated seeing Viviane so close and friendly with another woman.

Particularly one as attractive as Sakura.

Viviane shook her head hurriedly to alleviate Medrauta's fears, worried that her knight was getting the wrong idea. "I-It's not like that, Medrauta! My heart is yours and yours alone!"

Medrauta grinned, the relief evident in her smile. She knew there was no need to doubt Viviane, but she still couldn't help feeling uneasy about leaving the two of them alone together. "Of course. I wouldn't let anyone steal it from me."

"Excuse me... But can the two of you lovebirds please hurry up?" Sakura spoke up, surprisingly frank in stark contrast to her usual elegant demeanor. No one could really blame her though given her current condition.

"A-Ahaha, right...! Well then, let's set off!" Viviane said.

"Actually, one moment." Riku pushed himself off his seat. "I think I'll join Dame Medrauta on the box seat if there's room for three. I am not exactly fond of sitting here when I must protect my lady now more than ever. The cramped quarters and restricted vision do me no favors. May I, Lady Sakura?"

Sakura nodded. "Of course."

The foreign knight bowed once more and climbed out of the carriage, closing the door as he went. Thankfully, the carriage's box seat was wide enough to accommodate the two knights and the coachman who was now sandwiched between them.

"Uh... To Helfried?" The coachman asked, slightly nervous as he somehow managed to find himself in a rather strange position.

Medrauta nodded.

"To Helfried."

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