433. Rebuilding Future

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Ben has returned to Ishgar after sending the Dragon Hunters from other continents back. He goes to the ruins of Magnolia with the Ishgar Mages. There's nothing here but ruins, destroyed skeletons, and memories now. But they still want to return here because this is their home.

They rest for a few days in a camp they made there while discussing their next plan. Everything has been destroyed, so they surely need to rebuild this continent. That will surely take a very long time to finish, but they need to start, and they choose Magnolia as the starter to show their gratitude for Ben.

"I don't mind if you start from Magnolia, but don't make this city a Capital. Turning Magnolia into a Capital City will change its value for me."

"We understand, boss. Our plan is to use the previous locations as they were, so we'll still make Crocus into Fiore's Capital. We only want to make Magnolia the place for us to gather while rebuilding the cities."

"So you plan to take the refugees here before you start rebuilding, is it?"

"Yes, none of us know how to build cities, so we hope to find those who know it among the survivors."

"Don't rely too much on that. The chance to find people like that among the few survivors is small. Try to get books about construction, civil engineering, city landscape, and everything about building a city while you try to find the survivors. Matter of fact, it's better that you take every book you come across to increase your knowledge."

"We understand."

The rescue team leaders leave Ben after discussing a few more things. There are 10 rescue teams in total that will go all over Ishgar to find survivors. They will need as many people as possible to start rebuilding this continent.

Ben gives every team a teleportation door that will connect to their pairs in Magnolia. This way, they won't need to go back and forth to save people. They just need to use the teleportation doors to send the survivors to Magnolia before they search for more survivors.

8 people including Ben are left at Magnolia to receive the survivors and prepare accommodations for them. The 7 people are Earth Mages, so their job is to build temporary place for the survivors to stay. They have become much more powerful after the war, so building sturdy structures is easy.

Their only problem is they can't design good buildings, so they just make wide sturdy rooms with roofs. Each building is just a wide empty room. That's why everyone calls the buildings camps or barracks. Well, at least they won't break for a rather long time despite being constructed badly.

While the earth mages build the camps, Ben is working on making protection. He digs his destroyed house to get a few things from its underground room. If the Ben of this timeline has the same thinking as him, then there must be valuable things left around the house.

Ben really finds a lot of useful things although the most useful ones have gone. Well, they must've been taken by this timeline's Ben when the Dragons attacked. So all things useful for battles have been taken, but there are still many useful things that can be used to help the plan to rebuild the cities.

He also takes many things in his lab to build Anima. Ben plans to take ethernano from another universe using his modified Anima just like what he made under the Guild building. The one in the Guild had been destroyed completely, after all, so he needs to make it again.

Ben plans to make barriers that will protect the cities they'll build, but barriers need a lot of magic power to maintain. His best solution is to take it from another dimension that has an abundance amount of ethernano to supply the magic power to maintain the barriers.

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