Chapter 1: Morning Surprises and Shared Secrets.

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Tweek woke up in his bed. Sun was shining through his blinds, and his dad walked into his room, yelling, "Good morning, my gay son!" Tweek sighed and turned over. "I got your boyfriend on the phone!" Tweek then shot up, "You what?" "I got your boyfriend on the phone so you guys can get ready together." Tweek looked at the phone his dad was holding. It was his. 'He must have grabbed it from my room again,' he thought. He grabbed the phone.

It was a FaceTime call. "Craig?" "Tweek? What's this about?" "I, uh... Dad, can you leave?" His dad nodded, "Of course. I'll just leave this here," and then he left $100 on Tweek's nightstand.

Tweek sighed, "Craig, I'm so sorry. My parents took my phone and called you. I don't know why." Craig sighed, "It's fine. My parents try to do something similar." Tweek flopped onto his bed, "Are you ready to pretend again today?" Craig asked, "N-No... I don't know if I can k-k-keep doing this." "Hey, it'll be okay. Just follow my lead like always, and if anyone asks, just try your best to muster up an 'I love him' or something." Tweek nodded, "Right... how long do we have to keep doing this?" "I don't know. Until they lose interest in us." Tweek shook his head, "It doesn't feel like they ever will. My parents are using me to advertise their coffee shop." "Oh yeah. I've seen that."

Tweek sighed, "Well... I guess I have to get ready... today's Friday, right?" "Yeah. I think." "Great... I'll see you later." "I'll see you later, my fake boyfriend," Craig joked, making Tweek laugh before they both hung up.

-Time skip.-

Tweek was walking down the sidewalk to his and Craig's now usual spot to meet up and start the act for school.

They looked at each other for a few minutes. Tweek was twitching like crazy, so Craig put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "It'll be okay. Just try to act like I'm someone you actually like." Tweek nodded before going for a small, light, practically non-existent kiss on the cheek. Then they held hands and began to walk to school, people awing and cooing at them as they went on.

Tweek was desperately trying to hold in twitches, "Craig... I don't like their staring." "It'll be okay, Tweek. We're almost there." "Craig, I... can we... please, I... I'm scared." Craig looked around for a minute before stopping and taking his hat off and putting it on Tweek's head. He then took off his jacket and put it on Tweek's shoulders.

Tweek, from behind, now looked pretty covered. "Okay, now come on, quickly move." Craig gently grabbed Tweek and quickly moved him to a less populated area.

Tweek watched as the people who were watching them slowly faded away. He sighed in relief, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Craig." Craig smiled at Tweek, "Of course. No problem. Dating or not, I don't want you to have a panic attack now. Plus, people should know better than to stare." Tweek smiled at him, "Yeah..." Craig looked at Tweek for a minute, "Say um... I don't mean for this to sound... gay or anything, but... you look good... in that jacket." Tweek blushed, "Oh! Thanks, Craig." Tweek smiled shyly, "I never thought I would look good in blue." "Well... you do... you look... great." Tweek blushed a little more, "Thanks, Craig." Tweek felt... good, he felt really good now because of that compliment.

Craig then looked at his phone, "Shit. We need to hurry to school. Don't worry, though. I know a shortcut from here, and no, don't worry, there shouldn't be many people on the way there." Tweek smiled, "Great. Ok, let's hurry." "Yeah. Come on." Craig then grabbed Tweek's hand and pulled him along as they quickly ran to school.

-What do ya'll think?

-Word Count: 658

"My love for you is real." Craig x Tweek prequel Where stories live. Discover now