"And what if I don't want to?" I asked softly and he almost choked on his wine.
"Primo!" he cried in horror. "Of course you do! You're going to be Papa Emeritus!" he was beside himself. I realized he was about to say something else, but then the dining room door opened and Sister Imperator entered.
"Papa, you have an appointment soon." she said calmly. Her gray eyes scanned the room and, as always, I was surprised by her presence. There was something... confident about her and she was the only person who could say something against Papa.

"I'm coming!" Papa murmured, putting his glass down on the table.
"We'll talk about that later." I nodded and with that he walked to the door. Before leaving, he turned to me once more.
"Oh Primo: Don't worry too much about "love" because it only distracts you from your task. Sooner or later it will pass anyway." before he could say anything else, Sister Imperator cleared her throat sternly and gave Papa an annoyed look before they finally disappeared, leaving me behind.
My heart grew heavy. Would my love for her really fade away? Was it really all for nothing? I couldn't believe that!

I sighed deeply before my gaze wandered to my little brother, Terzo. His entire mouth was full of chocolate, almost dripping onto his clothes.
"Oh, Fratello! Wait!" I hastily took a napkin and wiped my brother's mouth with it. Terzo was still so small that he couldn't see across the table.
"Well, that's all." I said softly when he was clean again and kissed his raven hair.
"Would you like some more for breakfast?" I asked, to which he nodded hastily.
"Toast!" he shouted immediately, happily raising his arms in the air.
"And what would you like on your toast?" I asked him and he seemed to think about it.

"Chocolateeeee!" he shouted and I had to laugh again.
"I just cleaned your mouth." I said amused, whereupon Terzo looked at me with a scowling face.
"But I want chocolate!" he said, bleating. I immediately raised my hands defensively.
"It's okay, big one! I'm on it!" I petted his head before taking a piece of toast and started smearing it with chocolate.

"Primoooo?" Terzo asked, tugging at my sleeve.
"Yes, Fratello?" my little brother stood on his chair so that it was a little taller.
"What is love?" he asked in his childish voice and tilted his head. I gave a small sigh and thought about how to explain love to a toddler.

"Love is... a feeling you get from another person that you really, really, really like." I finally explained while continuing to butter his toast.
"I like you very much! Do I love you then?" Terzo rested his head on my arm. I nodded.
"Yes... you love me. Love can be in the family, but also with other people that you have met or are about to meet."
"So... do I love every person I like?" he asked, which made me shake my head.

Of course, you loved every person you liked in a way, but that wasn't the kind of love I was trying to explain to him.
"Not quite. Love is a little more than just liking someone. Love is... when you really like that person. Much more than other people. But you can also love more than one person at the same time."
"That's a beautiful thing... love." said Terzo enthusiastically and I nodded.
"It is." I handed him his chocolate toast.

"Yay!" cheered Terzo and started to eat.
"Primo do you think papa loves us?" this question got me thinking because i wasn't quite sure if dad really loved us. He didn't act like that, but you loved your kids automatically, didn't you? But did I want to dispel my little brother's illusion that his Papa really loved him? That he wasn't anything special to his dad?

"I think Papa loves us." I said with a somewhat forced smile.
"But I love you." I said, making the little boy smile.
"I love you too, Primo!" he hugged me before sitting down and eating his toast.

Suddenly the door opened and a ghoul entered. He came over to me and bowed his head briefly.
"Primo, there is mail for you." I jumped up and took the letter from him.
"Thank you!" with that I sat down and opened the letter with a pounding heart.

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