Clarke looked at him, "And i'll go with you." 

Artemis raised her hand, "Me too." 

"What? No. Someone else will go with him." Abby said, and Jasper walked up behind Artemis, "Yeah, you're not going out there." She turned around, "Jas, Raven needs our help. And i'm a medic, if anything happened with her, i could be needed." 

"Then i'm coming with you." 


"Yes." Jasper wasn't gonna budge, "I'm not gonna send you to your death, Artemis. I'm coming or i will lock you in a room and make you stay there until they get back." 

Artemis bit her lip and let out a sigh, "You better not do anything stupid." 

Jasper saluted her, "Scouts honor." 

"Well, you guys be safe." Kane looked at the four of them as they stood in a cluster, "There will be a spot for the four of you when you get back." 

"I'll meet you at the air lock." Clarke said, before looking at her mother and heading for the door. Artemis and Jasper followed her out, and they walked around the ramp, up to the stairs. 

Clarke pushed open the door, and they walked in, Clarke had already begun putting on her radiation suit when Bellamy, Kane and, Abby walked in behind Jasper.

Artemis grabbed two off the shelf, throwing one to Jasper and putting the other one on, "At these radiation levels, any amount of exposure is harmful. Keep your suit sealed at all times." Abby spoke as Artemis pulled the suit over her body. 

Jasper zipped his, as well as Artemis', due to the complicated zipper that had her annoyed. Abby walked around, placing watches on each of their wrists. "You have 23 hours before the death wave hits. On a good day it takes 10 hours to get to the island, and 10 hours to get back. That doesn't leave you with much room for error." 

"Mom, i know, okay? We'll be careful." Clarke said as Abby placed the wrist band on her right wrist. And Artemis turned to face Jasper, "You okay?"

"i'm okay, are you okay?" Jasper's green and brown eyes glimmered in the florescent lights, and in that moment, Artemis knew that her and Jasper could make it through anything. If they can make it through the drop ship and the war that led up to that, the mountain men, and ALIE. She knew that could do anything. "Yeah, i'm fine." She gave him a small smile. 

"Red looks good on you by the way." Jasper complimented the radiation suit she had on, and she broke a smile, "Thanks." Artemis grabbed her helmet, turning to face the others. Abby looked between the four of them, "Take care of each other."

Bellamy nodded, "Yes, ma'am." 

With that, the door opened, and the faces of John Murphy and his girlfriend Emori appeared. "Got room for two more?" John asked, allowing the door to shut. 

"Murphy, what are you doing here?" Bellamy's displeasure was applauding, but Murphy didn't let his saltiness effect with, "We heard you were going after Raven. We just wanna help."

"I've been to that island dozens of times." Emori piped up, "No one knows those waters better than me." 

Artemis knew that John didn't just wanna help, and he proved her point when he said, "And maybe it'll help our chances if we bring home the chosen ones." 

Abby looked at John, "There's a lottery. I'll make sure your name is in it." 

"And Emori?" He gestured to his girlfriend and Abby looked at her, "I'll do the best i can." Abby turned to her daughter, pulling her into a hug, before opening the door and walking out. 

pretty girls make graves [jasper jordan x fem! oc]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu