The Assault

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Rose and Cory appeared in their living room. Both of their hearts were pounding.

"Who was that!?" Cory asked.

"I-I don't know!"

"How was your first day?" Their mom called from the kitchen. The two girls glanced at each other. Rose rolled her eyes and they both walked into the kitchen to talk to their mother.

Later they both went upstairs to Rose's room with the remote. They both sat on the bed.

"So, who we think that girl was? Did you recognize her? Why was she behind the dumpster? Why was she wearing rags? Why did she want us? I have so many questions!" Cory spoke quickly.

"Calm down, you're stressing me out! I told you I don't know who that girl was! It's not like I know every single character ever." Rose whined.

"Well I guess we won't find out until Monday." Cory muttered.

A few seconds of silence passed. "...Unless if we go back there tomorrow." Rose said. A sly smiled crept onto her face.

Cory's face lit up. She looked up at her sister. "You think Mom will let us?"

"Probably, maybe."


The next day, around 11 AM, Rose and Cory were in the living room watching TV.

"Should we ask now?" Cory whispered to her.


They both walked upstairs into their parents' room to see their mom folding clothes. Right away, they asked the question.

"Can we go back to Miscellanea today?" Cory asked.

Their mom looked up. "It's not a school day. Besides, you two still have chores."

"Can we go there after chores? Just for a few hours?" Rose asked.

Mom was silent for a few seconds. "...Fine. But after all your chores are done. You need to be back by 3."

"YES!" Cory cheered. The two of them ran downstairs. After their chores they ran back upstairs into Rose's room. Cory snatched the remote and they teleported back to where they were when they left--the back of the school.

"Feels good to be back." Cory said.

"So...what to do?" Rose asked, "We don't have anyone's phone numbers and we don't know where they live."

"Who cares? We can do whatever we want here! It's like paradise! It's cartoony land!" Cory jumped into the air. They ran out to the front of the school and saw the colorful, bustling city in front of them.

"What first?"

Rose and Cory ran down the street. They went to a few shops to look at things, and later they went to the park. They went to the gazebo to sit and talk. Everything was fine until someone jumped out from behind a bush and tackled Rose.

It was the same green haired girl. She forced Rose onto the concrete, sitting on top of her and pressing her fingers and thumbs against her throat. Cory gasped.

"R-Rose!" She yelled and started panicking, jumping up and down. She tried pulling the girl off of her, but the girl kicked her, and shockingly launched her back several meters away with brute strength. "Hey! Stop!"

Meanwhile Rose kicked the girl off of her. She immediately tried to get up and run away, but somehow the girl's arm stretched out like rubber to grab her. She grabbed Rose by the collar of her dress and lifted her up into the air with ease.

"Not so special now, are you?" The girl laughed. "You think you're sooo perfect. Your little sister does, too. But you're not. You two made a mistake coming here." She then threw Rose, who flew a far distance away and tumbled to the ground. Cory shrieked.

"Who- who do you think you are!?" Cory yelled. "Leave us alone!" She ran towards Rose, who was laying on the grass, trying to process what was happening. Cory knelt down next to her. "Are you okay!? Who is that girl? She's the same one as yesterday!"

"I-I don't know! We need to get out of here!" Rose reached into her purse to grab the remote.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" The girl launched herself towards them, arms reached out and ready to pounce. Cory shrieked once again. The girl landed onto Rose and tried to snatch the remote, but Rose threw it to Cory. She hit the 'off' button and the portal opened.

"Come on!" Cory yelled.

"NO!!!" The green haired girl yelled. She ran up to the portal, but she couldn't get through while the sisters jumped into it. Rose and Cory could hear the girl break down into tears in the distance as they were being transported back to Earth.

It was now almost 2 PM, and the sisters were back in Rose's room.

"You have the remote?" Rose asked. They were both panting. Their hearts were pounding and they were drenched in sweat. Cory nodded.

"What was that!? I thought that place was cool!" Cory yelled. "And now it's already gonna be our death-" Rose covered Cory's mouth.

"Shut up, we don't want Mom to hear." She removed her hand.

"Sorry. It's just...things were going great yesterday. We made so many new friends. I've never had that many friends before! It felt great. I felt like a new person. Like things were turning around for me."

Rose was silent. She felt the same way. She felt as if she was finally breaking out of her shell.

"How about Monday, we go to school like normal. And we get our friends to help us. Mandy has the grim reaper on her side, we have the powerpuff girls, Kurumi is a magical girl who knows dozens of other magical girls, and we haven't even counted the people that they know. Mandy and Gaz could probably get the whole underworld on their side. Maybe Gaz could strike a deal with Zim. I say that we're fine."

"That does sound good, but...didn't you see how fast that girl moved? She's not dumb. She can stretch her limbs, she has super strength and probably super speed, too. What if it's not enough? What if they still can't defend us?"

Rose thought about Darlene's words from yesterday. "It's possible to die here, but it happens rarely." I wonder if...since we're from Earth there's a bigger chance of death for us.

"Our friends we'll be there for us. They're our friends. And as long as we have the remote, we'll be able to exit in seconds." Rose said.

"Now that I think about it, didn't you see that girl trying to leave with us? And when she couldn't leave she started crying. Why's that?"

Rose shrugged. "She was probably upset that she couldn't kill us like she wanted."

"But why did she want to kill us?"

"That I don't know. Maybe she knows we're new to school. But I haven't seen her around. She looks around my age. Then again, there are thousands of students."

"UGHH I have so many questions!" Cory groaned.

"Yeah..." Rose muttered, thinking about fan series characters, rebirth, death, villains, and maybe even if real people can be in Miscellanea.

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