Who Are You!? Who Who Who Who?

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Almost an hour passed. Darlene had decided to join in on the fight. The 4 of them were winning, but the mysterious girl had incredible durability. She did not seem exhausted at all, and she continued to fight with ease.

"I don't know how much longer we'll be able to fight!" Bubbles exclaimed. Her, Buttercup and Milky Rose were getting tired, but Darlene was determined to defeat her and find out who this girl was.

"You wanna fight like a real Toon? Then let's fight like real Toons!" She yelled. A large blue gun appeared in her hand, and she fired it at the girl. Her eye's widened in shock, but she managed to dodge the bullets.

"Woah, Darlene!" Buttercup yelled.

Darlene used some wacky weapons of her own. "How ya like this!?" She smirked, pulled out a huge, colorful blue ball from behind her back. She threw it onto the ground where it bounced back up towards the girl. She tried to get away, but the ball exploded. The girl coughed as the smoke smothered her and invaded her lungs.

While her guard was down, the others launched their own attacks at her. She tried to keep up with them, but she found herself to be falling behind.

"Time to deliver the final blow!" Darlene shouted.

"Milky Rose...." Milky shouted, using her Milky Palette to create a large blue rose in front of her. Buttercup, Bubbles and Darlene launched their own powers at the rose to they would fuse together, creating a ginormous blue-green rose. "...BLIZZARD!" The rose diffused into a million little roses, all surrounding the girl. She screamed as the roses all shot into her body, weakening her.

After a minute passed, the 4 girls saw the evil green-haired girl lying still on the ground, face down.

"Do ya think we went too far?" Bubbles asked.

"Nah." Buttercup replied.

Darlene flew over to her and knelt down. She placed her hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

The girl lifted her head and tried to push herself up, but she was too weak. She managed to roll over onto her back. "I...I just wanted the remote." She said weakly. A few tears left the corners of her eyes.

"What remote?" Buttercup asked.

"Get those two girls that have it."

"Rose and Cory? We'll bring them back AS LONG as you DON'T attack them." Milky Rose gently stepped on her stomach with one foot.

"I won't!" The girl yelled weakly. "Look at me! I can barely move, you idiots!"

Milky furrowed her brows. "Do you wanna see them or not?"

"Bring them here! I won't hurt them! I...I promise."

"Bubs, go get them!" Buttercup said to her sister.

"Got it!" She flew back to the school to see Rose and Cory sitting impatiently on the steps of the school entrance.

"Girls! Time to go back! The evil girl wants to talk to you." Bubbles told them.

"You defeated her?" Rose sighed a breath of relief. "I knew you all could do it."

"C'mon!" Bubbles waved. She carried the girls back to the park. Buttercup, Milky Rose and Darlene stood surrounding the defenseless girl. Bubbles, Rose and Cory landed onto the ground and walked up to them.

"Who are you?" Cory demanded. "Tell us now!" She stomped her foot down in front of the girl's head. Rose lifted her arm up in front of Cory to motion her to step back.

"You. I have what you're looking for." She grabbed her purse and held the remote high up. The girl's eyes widened, but she was too weak to do anything. "Tell us who you are and why you want it."

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