Margot and Kurumi

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"Everyone SIT DOWN!" Miss Kisskillya yelled. The students all sat on the court in front of her. Rose put her backpack in the locker room before sitting in the back. Near her were Misao, Gretchen from Invader Zim, and a girl that she didn't recognize.

After the bell rang and all of the students sat down, Miss Kisskillya spoke. "Today we're playing flag tag. So I'll put you into teams and you'll put on the flags of that team. New girl!" Everyone's eyes shifted towards Rose. "Do you know how to play?"

"Yes." Rose nodded. Why is everyone staring? God, I hate this teacher.

"Good! Now LINE UP!"

Everyone lined up and the teacher assigned all the students into teams. Rose ended up on the blue team. She saw one of the girls near her was also on that team, so she walked up to her.

"I'm just gonna stand next to you." Rose said to her.

"Go ahead." She replied without looking at Rose. The girl had dark purple hair in a low ponytail, ocean blue eyes, a pink turtleneck sweater, black leggings and sneakers.

"You don't like this game either, am I right?" Rose asked her.

"No. I hate this class. It makes me want to die." The girl replied.

Rose smiled. "Same. And everyone's always so competitive."

"Yeah yeah, please stop, you're making me nervous."

The smile left Rose's face. "Sorry."

"Thanks." The girl replied with a hint of sarcasm.

Rose walked away from the girl. Who is she? She's not from any show... Then she remembered. Oh! She's from a web comic I read many years ago, back in 2018. Her name is Margot Carson. I remember relating to her a lot. I hope we can be friends.

At the end of class when everyone was waiting at the doors, Rose walked up to Margot.

"Hey, is it okay if I sit with you at lunch? I don't know anyone else here..." Rose asked, although that last part was a lie.

"Sure, but I sit alone. I sit in the back side of the cafeteria by the windows." She replied.

"That's okay. I sat alone at my old school, too." Rose smiled. That made Margot feel better, but her expression didn't change.

The next class was homeroom. When Rose walked into her classroom, her eyes widened. The grim reaper was sitting at his desk! But she wasn't scared, no, because this was Grim from her favorite show, Billy & Mandy! She walked up to his desk.

"Hi, I'm new." She told him with a blank expression to disguise her happiness

Grim was sipping coffee and reading the newspaper when he looked up. "Oh right. The new girl. Williams was it? You can sit in any empty seat." He replied.

Rose looked around the room and found an empty seat in the back next to her favorite precure character: Kurumi Mimino. She rolled her eyes as Rose sat down. Oh my God, it's the goddess herself--Milky Rose! Thought Rose, I wonder if she'll like me.

"Hi," Rose said quietly to Kurumi. Startled, Kurumi glanced at her.

"Oh...hey," She awkwardly waved. Rose knew all about Kurumi's sassiness. She knew that Kurumi was really sweet on the inside.

" long is homeroom?" She asked Kurumi.

Kurumi raised an eyebrow. "30 minutes, I think. Then it's lunch. Wait a're new, aren't you? That's why you didn't look familiar. Ohoho, well you're in for a treat at this school."

Rose smirked. "Why's that?"

"This place is never boring. In fact, it's chaotic! And everyone's pretty annoying, so good luck with that. But in my opinion, the most interesting part is that lunch--and recess--overlaps with the other grades."

Rose's face lit up. "We have recess!? And with other grades?"

"The cafeteria is HUGE! Of course that's because it has room for 3 grades, and there's a courtyard outside! The playground is also outside. I think the elementary school has its own playground too. But for recess, you don't have to go outside. You can go wherever you want! ...As long as it's in the junior high." Kurumi explained.

Rose's eyes had turned to sparkles. "Reeeallly? There's a playground? And we can go wherever? And we have recess with the other grades so I can go wherever with my sister? This is so COOL! Much better than my old school."

"That's what I thought too. I love this school, but not the people. Only my friends are cool. And you...actually aren't so annoying yourself. What's your name?" Kurumi asked.


Kurumi's jaw dropped. She was smiling.

Rose smiled too, knowing all about the Blue Rose. "What's wrong?" She asked teasingly.

"N-nothing! I just really like that name! I'm assuming you like flowers? Because the rose is also my favorite!"

"Eh...I'm not really a flower person. But the rose is my favorite flower. I just think it's really pretty, and I feel a connection to it since it's my name." Rose replied.

"Oh. I love flowers! I have a garden back in my king- I mean, house. I really love taking care of them. I'm the best at it out of all my friends!"

Rose giggled. "Do you want to sit with me at lunch? I have someone else sitting with me, too. Her name is Margot."

Kurumi paused to think. "...Sure. I don't really have anyone else to sit with, anyway. It's not that I don't have friends! It's that they're all older than me~" She pouted.

"That's okay. My only friend is my sister, who's younger than me, so I know what it's like."

"And it sucks because most of my older friends are in high school! They get to see each other all the time while I'm stuck here!" Kurumi whined. "And...I...I get the feeling I'm not liked here." She said quietly.

"Really? Why's that?" Asked Rose.

"I don't know!! Maybe I look mean or something? I'm not sure! But I haven't been able to make a single new friend and it's driving me insane! Nozomi always tells me to make new friends but for some reason I just can't!" Kurumi sighed. "Oh great. The whole room probably heard that."

Rose thought for a moment. "Maybe it's because you don't open up to people."

Kurumi grew defensive. "Wh-what are you talking about? Of course I do! I just told you all of my problems like you're my therapist!"

"You were a little scary at first,"

"Well duh! That's because I don't know you! How am I supposed to know if you're nice or a bitch."

Rose smiled. "A lot of people assume I'm mean. At my old school, I didn't have any friends because of that. People knew me for my sarcasm and cold gaze. But nobody knew me for who I really was." She shrugged.

Kurumi stared at her. "Really? That sounds just like me...but you talked to me just fine."

Rose grinned nervously. I can't tell her that I was so excited to talk to her because I knew her from an anime... "That's because I'm trying to make a good first impression. This is the new least that's what I'm hoping for." Rose thought about what she just said. She used it as an excuse, but maybe it was the truth? Maybe she was changing for the better.

Kurumi smiled. "Well I'd say you're doing a pretty good job at the 'new you'! You aren't mean at all. I guess...I could be more friendly to people...maybe I'll make more friends that way."

Rose smiled back at her. Inside, she was cheering for herself. Woo! I just helped someone! And now my fav precure is my friend!

Author's note: Margot Carson isn't from a webcomic, she's an OC I made in 2018. I just had to fit her in the world somehow :v

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