Class is Starting!

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"First is Eastern Cultures. Not sure where that's at." Robyn said quietly, now beginning to question her skills as a student guide. "Oh! But I know it's upstairs. If you go up the main stairs in the lobby, the 7th grade hallway will be on the right. But if you take the back stairs over here, it will be on the left."

The girls walked up the back stairs and found the classroom after a few minutes. "You'll probably want to take the back stairs. They're closer to your classes. Just like the 6th graders, all the core classes are near each other."

"See, Robyn? You do know enough about this school." Rose told her. Robyn smiled.

"Next you have science, which is right next door here. Then you have to go back down the stairs and walk all the way to the gym." Robyn spoke.

"Oh great, exercise." Muttered Rose.

"Who's your homeroom teacher?" Asked Robyn.

"Mr. Grim...hey, do you know if that's the grim reaper?" Rose asked.

Robyn shrugged, then her eyes widened. "Oh wait! Now that I think about it, I see the grim reaper sitting with Mandy and her friends at lunch. He must be your homeroom teacher!"

Rose grinned. "Really!? I'm so happy!" She waved her arms around.

Robyn laughed. "Not scared, huh? That's cool, because a lot of kids are scared by him at first. And you're in luck, because his room is on the first floor, so you don't have to go back up! It's the room next door to the Life Skills room."

"Good. That means I'll be downstairs for gym, homeroom, lunch and recess. So what's after that again?" Rose asked.

"Music! So after recess you'll go down the middle hallway across the lobby. It's right here at the end of the hallway in front of the back stairs. Next you have English." Robyn explained. The three of them walked back upstairs and around the corner was the English room. "Then the math room is right next door."

"Thank you, Robyn. I hope I'm able to memorize it." Rose smiled.

"You're welcome." Robyn said shyly and handed Rose's schedule back to her.

"So how much time passed? Is it almost lunch?" Cory asked.

Robyn checked the time on her phone. "Nope. It's second period for all of us."

"Aww." Cory whined. "Can I walk with you?"

"Sure! We're going to gym. See you later Rose!" Robyn said.

"Bye guys." Rose waved at them and walked up to the science room. Meanwhile, Robyn and Cory walked into the gym.

Rose knocked on the door of the science room. The teacher opened it. Rose recognized him as Brendon's teacher from Home Movies.

"Oh, you must be the new student. I'm Mr. Lynch." He said in his drabby, monotone voice. He walked up to his desk and she followed him. "Everyone, this is Rosetta, she's new."

Rose stared at everyone. Her face had a blank expression but inside she almost could not contain her excitement. She knew everyone here. Some of the kids she recognized were Sheeta from Castle in the Sky and McGee from Camp LakeBottom.

"There's an empty table over there." Mr. Lynch glanced at the empty table on the right side of the room. The tables were rectangular and had two students at each one. Rose walked over to it and sat in the left seat. She was a bit disappointed that she didn't sit next to anyone. There were some characters here that she didn't like, but sitting next to any of them would've been awesome.

This class sucks. What's the next one? Oh yeah, gym. Rose swallowed the lump in her throat. She was terrified of gym class. At least there weren't any dudebros from her school. I can't wait for lunch. Hopefully I have someone to sit with.

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