Finally Explaining Why We Met Up/Our Fight Begins

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"Alright, alright, guys. Cory and I have to talk to you all. This is serious." Rose spoke up. Cory's grin faded and she nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, what she said. We really need your help." She added.

"What's up?" Darlene asked.

Rose opened her mouth to speak, but Cory interrupted her. "This girl tried to kill us and she almost did!" Cory exclaimed. The others gasped.

"Who!?" Tanya shrieked.

"We don't know!" Rose told them.

"She had ugly green hair and a brown raggedy gown." Cory said, "She looks like a middle schooler, but I think she's older than me."

"I don't really know any girls with green hair around here..." Darla said, poking her chin to think.

"It definitely couldn't have been Komachi. She's WAY too nice!" Kurumi chimed in.

"She had a high ponytail and bangs. And she had red eyes too!" Cory described.

No one said anything. It seemed nobody knew who this girl was.

"We don't know them, but how can we help?" Robyn spoke up.

"This girl seemed extremely powerful. She has super strength and speed, and she can stretch her limbs like Elastigirl." Rose explained, "Anyone with powers can help protect us since we don't have any."

"Who here has powers?" Cory asked.

Darlene, Bubbles and Buttercup eagerly raised their hands. Darla glanced at Tanya.

"Um...I'll just explain it to you guys at recess. I don't like sharing information with lots of people around." Tanya said shyly. Kurumi nodded.

"Let's all meet at recess! By the big tree." Cory suggested. The others nodded in agreement.

"I myself don't have powers, but the Grim Reaper is my slave." Mandy said.

"Yep, and I'm sure my brother has some weird invention that could help you. And there's always..." Gaz paused and shuddered before continuing her sentence, "...Zim."

So, later on once the 7th graders were dismissed for recess, the 12 of them met up down the hill under the big Oak tree.

"Now let's talk!" Cory exclaimed.

"You wanted to say something, right, Tanya?" Bubbles smiled at her. The others turned to look at her.

"U-uh..." Tanya stuttered, when Kurumi interrupted her.

"I'll start," She said loudly and confidently. "I'm a bunny that can transform into a human and magical girl. My real name is Milk and my magical girl name is Milky Rose." 

Everyone else, besides Rose, Mandy, Gaz and Margot, gasped. Darlene, Robyn, Bubbles and Tanya squealed. Mandy and Gaz rolled their eyes at the girls' reactions.

"Really? I knew something about you was super cool!" Darlene grinned and hovered above her.

"Yeah! You can fly with us and stuff! And fight with us!" Buttercup added.

"You probably have a really pretty costume!" Robyn chimed in.

"Bunny bunny bunny!" Bubbles hopped around Kurumi.

Kurumi smirked and let out a chuckle. "My costume is pretty cool, if I do say so myself!" She boasted, then her expression hardened, she furrowed her brows and raised her eyes. "But I only transform when I need to. And ALL of you, don't tell ANYONE else. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone this." She pointed at the others.

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