𝟷𝟾. 𝙷𝙴𝚁

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That morning the nerves went away.

I felt confident in my skin and took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror

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I felt confident in my skin and took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror.
"I got this. Right?" I shook my head and nodded yes. I grabbed my f/c beanie and school bag and put them on. Charlie met me at the dining room table. Mom walked over with two plates of pancakes.
"Pancakes for my little 9th graders." She said putting them infront of us as she kissed our heads.
"Freshmen. Wow I remember that year." Dad told us as we shoved the food in. Charlie saw the clock and said that it was 8 so we had to leave.
"I love you kids!"
"You got this penut!" Mom and dad yelled to us as we were met by Maya, DeNuenez, Bertram and Benny.

"You guys ready for high school?!" Charlie yelled.
"Yes but stop the screaming at 8 AM it's to early." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Oh come on Mi Amor we're in high school now." Benny said giving me a morning cheek kiss. I shrugged and we all started walking. Benny had his arm around my shoulder like usual. We were all basically dead people working, well I was, I don't know about everyone else. When we made it to the front of the school that's when I woke up.  I was the first to walk.

"You coming of not?" I asked sarcastically. They all rushed and hurried with us. Immediately we went to the home room board to tell us where to go.
"Y/n Peters RM: 15.
Charlie Peters RM: 15.
Maya Porter RM:15." I smiled when I saw us all together. I knew we would be but somethings change. And unfortunately for me Everly had a Q last name. Along with that Phillips was in there and Kaitlyn. So at least I had a few people in there. We said our goodbyes to the others and walked into a blue themed room.
"Welcome Welcome find your seat with a sheet of paper." Someone who I presumed was Mrs. Kili told us. When this happens Charlie and I are usually together and I was right. We took our seats and waited for everyone else to settle in. The Phillips twins were behind us, two kids were in the first row and Maya landed right next to me, unfortunately with Everly next to her.

Charlie smiles at me then Maya. This year was gonna be something and at least I had my brother and my best friend with me. About five minutes later Mrs. Kili came in and shut the door. She looked pretty fresh from college and this was her first year.
"Good morning my name is Mrs. Kili, and I'll be your home room teacher and possibly your English teacher." She said in a peppy tone. I shrugged it off and listened to her. She talked about school rules and expectations blah blah blah. At some point we got to go out to our lockers to just get them open. They were pretty long. We sat back down and she just went over normal school stuff with fire drills and shit.

It was an extended home room so we were waiting for about 3 minutes by the time she finished explaining. I turned to Maya and she turned to me.
"Pretty standard, next class?" I asked showing her my schedule Mrs. Kili passed out as we turned to each other.
"Algebra II, you?" She questioned.
"Me too." I smiled, I realized we had every class together.
"This works." She smiled. The bell rang not long after and we went off to Algebra II. When I sat down Kaitlyn was my like desk partner or something.
"Hey." I say happily putting my bag down.
"Hi! Happy first day." She told me taking out her binder. It was pink with flowers on it. Our teacher walked in and did the same welcome thing.

Lover Boy (B.R. x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt