Alana:                                                                   10:31am
okay okay i will relax

emo A:                                                                  10:31am

emo S:                                                                  10:31am
breathe audrey you're gonna be ok

emo A:                                                                 10:32am
no i'm not
ok bye guyz i gotta get ready for work

salem witch 🔮:                                               10:32am


I closed out of my messages and went to go do my chores. When I got to feeding my chickens they were gone.

Wait. Ohhh shit. I forgot to close the door last night after the fair.

I quickly started to panic and run around looking for them.

"Mark!? Bob!? Wade!? Chickens!?" I frantically sprinted around the farm but when they were nowhere in sight I almost panicked.

I quickly pulled my phone back out and called the first person I thought of.

"Alana? What's up?" Sam said through my phone.

"Sam I- I don't know what to do! I went to feed my chickens and they're- oh god Sam they're gone! I lost them!"

"Okay Alana calm down I'm on my way okay? I'll help you find them."

"Okay, okay I'll just- I'll keep looking." I was on the verge of tears at this point. I couldn't lose my chickens! I loved my chickens!

"I'll be there in just a few minutes okay? It'll be okay," he said. I could hear him shuffling around to put his shoes on through the phone. I said okay and hung up to continue looking.

A few minutes later he ran up to me. "Have you found them yet?"

"No and I don't know where they'd be! They've never left the farm- I don't even know where to look!"

"Okay well, if you were a chicken where would you go?"

"Maybe... Marnie's Ranch? That's where they were born and she always has hay and stuff," I responded while already walking towards her farm.

He followed me and helped me look around there. About 15 minutes later I saw him running up to me. With a chicken in his arms! It was Bob!

"Oh thank god! Thank you Sam." I took the animal from him and gave it lots of pets.

"I'll keep looking for the others okay? You take him back to the coop make sure to close the door alright?"

I nodded and took the chicken back to its home. Once he was inside I saw another chicken walking about by the edge of the farm. Wade!

I quickly ran and grabbed him to bring him back to the coop. When I came out and made sure the doors were closed up tight I saw Sam walking up from Marnie's with Mark cuddled in his arms.

His goofy smile almost made me forget about losing the chickens but I brushed it off and took Mark from him and put him inside.

"Thank you so much Sam I have no idea what I would have done if you didn't come help."

"Oh it's really no problem I- oh!"

He was cut off when I quickly wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"This is new," he said quietly.

"Is it okay?" I asked. I was about to let go, fearing that he didn't like hugs and I just made things really awkward, but he hugged me tighter.

"Yeah, it's great."

I blushed and let him go after a moment.

"Well um, I guess that was all I needed. Thanks again."

"Anytime, really. Let me know if you ever need help on the farm again."

I smiled up at him and he said goodbye a bit clumsily before taking the path through Marnie's Ranch to go home.

When I got inside I found Toothless waiting for me and I sighed in relief that I had all my animals back home.

I checked my phone to see another text from Audrey asking about what time I'd come over the next day so I responded telling her I'd come over around 12pm and I went to lay down to relax from the stressful morning.

Stardew Valley Sam x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora