Chapter 28

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"What's your plan?" Becky asked as they strolled along the shore on day five. Everything was starting to feel pretty heavy.

"I talked to Heng earlier about accepting book signing events next month, but he said I could move them up to next week if I wanted," Freen said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"And what's next after that?" Becky inquired.

"Well, if you remember that girl from my last book signing, chances are she'll show up again since I'm releasing a new book. You could meet her," Freen replied.

"And if I do meet her, what then?" Becky pressed.

"You should get to know her, ask if she recognizes you. If she doesn't, stick with Heng while I search for your family," Freen sighed, looking at Becky as if pleading her not to ask any further. "Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you not to bring this up?"

"I was just curious. I thought we could still hang out after this week, but it seems like you're sure we won't," Becky pouted, avoiding Freen's gaze.

The sun started to rise, and both of them focused on it, as if they hadn't been talking about anything serious.

Freen wrapped her arm around Becky's shoulder and smiled as she remembered a sunrise story.

"Do you know about Leo and Lila?" Freen asked, gazing at the sunrise. "They were two kids from a village who shared a love for watching sunrises."

"Are you seriously going to tell me a story?" Becky chuckled, motioning for Freen to continue.

"Do you want to hear it or not?" Freen glared at Becky.

"Go on, I'm listening," Becky laughed, hugging Freen's waist.

"One day, the sun rose, and they watched it together. The end," Freen grinned, barely holding back her laughter.

Becky turned toward her with a mock death glare and playfully reached for Freen, who giggled and took off running.

Becky chased her, but she couldn't catch her. Pretending to stumble in the sand, she watched Freen run toward her. She stifled a smile when she saw Freen's concerned eyes.

"I can't even see a scratch," Freen squinted at her.

"No, it's bleeding," Becky pointed to her knee, though Freen couldn't see any injury. "It hurts," Becky pouted.

"Don't tell me you want me to kiss your knee?" Freen grimaced.

"No, my lips hurt," Becky pouted again.

Freen leaned in and playfully bit Becky's lips, causing her to whimper.

"Damn you!" Becky yelled as Freen darted back into their cabin. Freen bit her lips a little too hard, and she could feel them bleeding now.


When Becky got to the cabin, she looked for Freen inside and found her hiding under the bed. Slowly, she peeked in, and Freen screamed as soon as their eyes met.

"You're too loud!" Becky scolded, pulling Freen out from under the bed.

Freen looked at her with innocent eyes. "Are you going to scold me?"

"Look what you did," Becky pointed to her lips. They weren't swollen or bleeding, so Freen tilted her head and examined her lips.

"Your lips are fine. Do you want me to kiss them?" Freen asked, looking into Becky's eyes, which were still glaring at her.

"You bit me," Becky reminded her.

"You tricked me," Freen retorted.

"You hurt me," Becky reiterated.

"You're leaving me," Freen said, silencing them both. "Because you're going fishing today, right? We're out of food. Now, go catch some fish!" Freen awkwardly pushed Becky out of their room and closed the door behind her. Her mouth slipped.

"How can I fish here? Open the door!" Becky banged on the door, but Freen didn't open it. "We can't eat like this! Open this!"

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