6: Prince Charming

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As Princess y/n descended the grand staircase, her entrance at the royal ball was nothing short of breathtaking. Her gown, a masterpiece of flowing silk and intricate lace, accentuated her every graceful movement. The room was filled with princes and princesses from neighboring kingdoms, all dancing, talking, and having a splendid time.

Prince c/n, ever handsome, stood in a corner engaged in conversation with other members of the royal family. y/n's eyes met his, and she blushed, quickly turning away but stealing glances back at him. A small smile graced the corners of her lips as their gazes locked from across the room, creating an electric connection.

Moments later, Prince c/n approached y/n, his voice filled with charm as he asked, "May I have this dance?" She couldn't resist his offer and placed her delicate hand in his, feeling a rush of excitement. They swirled across the dance floor, drawing the envy of other ladies in the room.

As they waltzed, y/n couldn't help but ask, "So, Prince c/n, what brings you to this splendid ball tonight?"

Prince c/n, with a charming smile, replied, "Ah, Princess y/n, I couldn't resist the allure of your presence. How could I miss the chance to dance with the most enchanting lady in the room?"

y/n playfully responded, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Prince c/n. But I must say, your reputation as the kingdom's heartthrob precedes you."

Prince c/n chuckled, "Ah, you've heard of me, have you? Well, I must admit, it's quite the burden to carry, but I do my best to live up to expectations."

y/n, impressed by his confidence, remarked, "I can see why. Your dance moves are quite impressive, I must say."

Prince c/n leaned in closer and whispered, "Ah, but it's not just about the moves, Princess. It's about the the chemistry between two people gliding across the floor. And I must say, our chemistry is undeniable."

Prince c/n took y/n in his arms, their movements perfectly synchronized, as if they were the only two people in the room.

y/n blushed and replied, "You certainly know how to make a lady feel special."

Prince c/n smiled warmly, "It's easy when I'm dancing with someone as captivating as you, Princess y/n."

They twirled and twirled, and in that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away as they got lost in each other's company.

y/n, feeling the magic of the moment, confessed, "Well, Prince c/n, I must say this has been the highlight of my evening. Thank you for the enchanting dance."

Prince c/n bowed slightly and replied, "The pleasure is all mine, Princess. May I have the honor of more dances with you throughout the night?"

"I would be delighted", y/n happily accepted.

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