4: Academic Rivals

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In the bustling classroom, y/n and Jeremy sit on opposite sides, exchanging competitive glances. The tension between them is palpable as they vie for the top spot in class.

Their rivalry is well-known among their classmates, who often find themselves caught in the crossfire of their intellectual battles. The classroom becomes a battlefield of wits, with y/n and Jeremy constantly trying to prove their superiority.

Their disagreements spill over into group projects, where they clash over ideas and refuse to compromise. The teacher tries to mediate their conflicts, but their competitive fire cannot be extinguished.

Despite their constant clashes, y/n and Jeremy secretly admire each other's intelligence and determination. They push each other to work harder, always striving to surpass the other's achievements.

As for today, they find themselves in a heated argument over a seemingly trivial matter. Their voices rise as they passionately defend their opposing viewpoints.

Y/n: "I can't believe you actually think pineapple belongs on pizza! It's an abomination!"

Jeremy: "Oh please, pineapple adds a sweet and tangy flavor that perfectly complements the savory toppings. You just have no taste!"

Y/n: "No taste? Coming from the person who thinks cats are better than dogs! Dogs are loyal, playful, and way more fun!"

Jeremy: "Cats are independent, low-maintenance, and have a mysterious charm. Clearly, you just don't appreciate their elegance."

Their argument escalates as they throw more silly reasons at each other, each determined to prove their point. Their classmates watch in amusement, entertained by their passionate bickering.

As their voices grow louder, the teacher intervenes, trying to restore order in the classroom.

Teacher: "Alright, alright, that's enough! Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we?"

Y/n and Jeremy reluctantly quiet down, shooting each other one last glare before redirecting their attention to the lesson.

However, y/n and Jeremy find themselves in yet another argument, this time about the best way to solve the problem on the board. Just as the tension between y/n and Jeremy reaches its peak, another classmate, Beth, decides to join in on the argument, taking Jeremy's side.

Beth: "y/n, you're always wrong! Jeremy's way of solving the problem is clearly superior. Why can't you see that?"

Y/n feels a pang of frustration and hurt as Beth adds fuel to the fire, but something catches her attention. In the midst of the heated exchange, they notice a glimpse of defensiveness in Jeremy's eyes when Beth starts attacking y/n.

Beth: "You always think you're so much better than everyone else, don't you?"

Y/n: I don't understand why you're always trying to bring me down."

Beth: "Oh please, you're just a show-off. Always showing off your grades and achievements. It's annoying."

Y/n: "I'm not. I'm proud of my accomplishments, just like anyone else would be."

Beth: "Nah, You act like you're better than us."

Y/n: "That's not true at all. You're just constantly trying to belittle me."

Beth: "Well, it's just annoying how you always seem to have everything under control."

Y/n: "I understand that it might seem that way, but trust me, I have my own struggles too."

Beth: "Yeah, right. You're just good at hiding them, huh?"

Jeremy, realizing the impact of Beth's words, momentarily interrupts the argument to defend y/n, "Hey, cut it off."

But before y/n can fully process this, Jeremy quickly brushes off Beth's comments and returns to his usual self, defending his own perspective.

Y/n takes note of this momentary vulnerability, realizing that perhaps there's more to Jeremy than meets the eye. She smiles.

Jeremy, feeling a bit bashful, quickly turns his back but an involuntary smile grazes his lips.

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