1: Audition Tape

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y/n anxiously waits outside for her audition, her palms sweaty and body trembling with tension. She observes others around her, some practicing, some doing vocal exercises, and some engaged in casual conversations. As time passes, a girl emerges from the audition room, jumping with excitement, exclaiming, "I got it, yeah!" Her boyfriend outside congratulates her, and y/n's heartbeat quickens as she awaits her turn.

y/n's name is called, bringing her back from her thoughts. With bsf/n by her side, she receives a reassuring pat on the shoulder, encouraging her to relax and believe in herself. Nervously, she walks towards the door, slowly opening it and stepping inside. Just before she closes the door, she glances back, catching bsf/n giving her a small thumbs up and silently mouthing, "You got it."

y/n takes a deep breath, stepping onto the stage of the indie venue. The spotlight shines down on her, casting a warm glow that both comforts and intimidates. She takes a moment to compose herself, feeling the weight of the anticipation.

As the emcee introduces her, y/n's heart pounds in her chest. The moment arrives, and the question is asked: "Are you y/n?" With a nod and a confident "Yes," she acknowledges her identity and the purpose that brought her here.

The music starts, and y/n readies herself. However, as she opens her mouth to sing, her voice catches, and she chokes on the first few words. The music stops, and a wave of embarrassment washes over her. "I'm sorry," she stammers, feeling the weight of her own disappointment.

The judges, understanding and compassionate, reassure her that it's okay and offer her a chance to try again. y/n's hands tremble, and fear threatens to consume her. Doubt lingers in her mind, but she musters the courage to continue.

Before starting again, she takes a moment to center herself. She closes her eyes, envisioning the joy that music brings to her soul.

As the music begins once more, y/n feels a surge of energy. She lets go of her inhibitions, allowing the music to guide her. This time, her voice flows effortlessly, resonating with the emotions that fill the room.

y/n, though not completely satisfied with her performance, asks if she can try again. The judges, understanding her desire for perfection, grant her request. They offer her water, a gesture of support that she politely declines.

With renewed determination, y/n closes her eyes once more, channeling her dreams and aspirations. She opens her eyes, ready to give it her all once again.

y/n emerged from the audition, her expression devoid of emotion. bsf/n, anxiously awaiting her outside, approached with concern etched on their face. Worriedly, bsf/n inquired if everything was alright, offering comfort in anticipation of a disappointing outcome.

However, a slow smile spread across y/n's face, accompanied by a nod. In an explosion of elation, bsf/n let out a triumphant scream, unable to contain their excitement.

Hand in hand, they leaped into the air, reveling in the moment. "Did you get in?" bsf/n exclaimed. y/n replied with a resounding "I got in!"

"You got in?!"

"Yes, I got in!!!"

Laughter filled the air as they embraced, basking in the shared delight of this achievement.

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