History In The Making

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A/N: I'm not abandoning this story, just living life and I'm sorry this took a backburner to that! I was at the Vegas GP when I remembered that this story needed some love. So here's a short update before we really get into the end. I have a sequel going already!

As always, thank you for reading and let me know what you think with a comment or a vote!


The trip had been everything I hoped for. Daniel looked refreshed and happy walking into the paddock on Tuesday morning. Everyone said he seemed lighter, the least stressed he had been in months given his recent decisions. That was all I had wanted, just a moment for him to be himself without having work or my current issues get involved. His smile was back to beaming, but I also knew that it had more to do with our little secret than the actual trip.

There had been no hard conversations while we were on our holiday. No talks of what it meant, what we were going to do moving forward, if we were even going to tell anyone. I didn't want to rain on Daniel's literal Austin parade, so it's been filed away for another day. That didn't stop me from thinking about it, adding to my ever growing list of internal conflicts that I somehow had. All I wanted was answers, but part of our agreement was that we'd figure it out together. Meaning we needed to just get through this weekend and the next so we'd have time to sit down and discuss what we had to do.

Another part of my internal conflict was the impending announcement of the signing of the newest Mercedes driver. It seemed that the longer the team went without an announcement, the more prevalent the question of who it was became. Suspicions of an unknown rookie or even a previous champion coming back were rumors that I had heard at this point. All were a fair stretch, despite the amount of available drivers, they had not once suggested someone even reasonable. Then again, they had suggested me once, only to shoot it down because it was all but guaranteed in their mind that I would stay with Red Bull. That was far from the truth though.

It was while Daniel and I were lounging about in his driver's room that the announcement was made on Wednesday. I had known the plan, announced Wednesday to get ahead of it on press day. It was a normal procedure, but it didn't make me any less nervous. So while Daniel sat on the couch with his notes for the weekend, I laid my head in his lap refreshing instagram as if my life depended on it. It kind of did, but this was different. When it finally popped up, I sat up quickly, biting my lip as I read over the message.

Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team is excited to announce the signing of Maeve Dragon as their driver for the 2019 season. See what the team and new driver have to say about her signing below!

"During her short time in F1 she has shown a tremendous amount of talent and resilience," Team Principal Toto Wolff praised the young driver,"Maeve holds all the qualities that the team values and more. We look forward to having her driver alongside Lewis in the new year. This could be our strongest driver pair ever."

"Stepping up the way she did showed what kind of person Maeve is," four time world champion Lewis Hamilton said about his new teammate," In the time we've grown to know each other I know she would make an amazing driver and she continues to prove that sentiment right every single day. It will be an incredible fight between us next year."

"When I decided that I wanted to drive in 2019, I knew that it was time to find a seat that could challenge me like I'd never been challenged before," Maeve said about her signing,"There's no disrespect to where I was before, but in order to grow you have to move on. The team offered me a chance to grow that I couldn't refuse. I look forward to joining the Mercedes family."

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