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A/N: Max wins the first race and even he seems a little bored with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually a big RB fan. I just hoped for a little more than how it's been since the regulation changes. 

Anyways, timely updates incoming! Here's a bit of a longer chapter. Let me know what ya think with a vote or a comment! 💚💚💚


After the gift of my new car from Max and Christian, I practically lived in the thing while we were home. Daniel didn't think anything of it at first, knowing that it was my first real car and something I needed to take care of. He only questioned my sanity when I actually pulled my laptop out and started going over some of the data from my project while still in the car before we went to the grocery store.

I swore that I just forgot to do it while we were home since we were heading to his flat for the night. He told me that the car could survive without me for a few hours. That made me want to sleep in it tonight to prove a point. I was stubborn like that. Daniel had planned a sweet staycation date night for us though since we don't get to do things at home too often.

It included some of our favorite activities separately, a romantic bubble bath, a game of monopoly, and ending the night with a movie. We made a charcuterie board together to enjoy with some wine while we watched the movie. I don't know who started it, but of course we ended up in bed before the movie was really done.

The entire time we were home, we were working though. Daniel and I would swap time on the sim and go through data for the upcoming race in Singapore. Most night's he sat with me while I put the finishing touches on my presentation for my PHD. I officially would defend my thesis in front of my professors just three weeks before the new year. The decision would be made final in January and I would have a degree before cars hit the track next year hopefully. It fueled me to do my best, to finish out this degree and not have to go back to school. Focusing on driving would be the best for me next year as someone that wanted to be in the car full time.

Daniel on the other hand was noticing a few things about me since we decided to stop bringing all of our issues into our relationship. New issues, or rather not issues in my opinion, that I seemed to be causing and he was reaping the benefits of.

"Maeve, as much as I love having sex with you, three times in one day and one attempt at work? You're going to get us caught." Daniel was holding me as we both laid in bed after our shower. Tonight we were in his flat again and I have most certainly initiated something before the car was even turned on for our trip back from the factory.

"No I won't. I spent more time at the factory than you and know where people wouldn't see." I rolled so I was looking at him, my left arm wrapped around his waist and my right across his chest.

"Still, I think we have to slow down a bit." I rolled my eyes.

"Can't keep up anymore old man? Most guys would kill to have a younger girlfriend like me. Fit and feisty, all that jazz." He chuckled, leaning forward to kiss me.

"I'm not old and trust me, I love this just as much as you do. We are absolutely tempting fate trying to fuck in an unused conference room." I shrugged.

"So sue me, I always liked those desks...." He pursed his lips, running his left hand along my spine over my shirt as I laid my head on his chest.

"Interesting, I seem to also like those desks as well now." That made me chuckle as he kissed the top of my head.

"Just call it catching up on the years of not doing it that we had. Just imagine all the fun places we could've had sex...." He hummed above me, clearly thinking over what I had said.

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