The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

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A/N: Here we go! Has anyone else seen the photos from the wedding? So cute and we are so happy for Scotty and Chloe. 
Anyways, Imola this weekend. Hopefully will be able to watch but with work and the time change probably not. Let me know what your favorite moments from the race are!
As always, thank you for reading and let me know what you think with a comment or a vote!


Max had brought us a nice bottle of red to celebrate this moment, telling others again as if he wasn't part of the reason we didn't want to tell anyone else. His attempt at being more supportive in the situation was highly appreciated by me though. Maeve was already so off the last two weeks. Exhaustion is more than evident in everything she does. She missed lunch because she was sleeping today. If Max had fought us on anything else, I might lose Maeve and that was enough for me to be visibly anxious.

Still, Michael and Max sat on the couch just conversing with us about the upcoming week until Pyrita, Steve, and Blake arrived one after the other. Given what we had told each of them as to why they would be meeting in my hotel room, each was confused that Max and Michael were also here.

"I don't know what kind of business meeting this is Daniel." Blake raised an eyebrow at seeing everyone in our smallest inner circle seated around the room as he took a timid step into the foyer. He looked at each person before turning back to me.

"Well, you were the one that was late." I motioned Blake further inside the hotel room, closing the door behind myself before following him. He wasn't late, just arrived at eight o'clock on the nose. I took the moment to grab an extra wine glass for Blake from the kitchenette before making my way back into the living room.

"Welcome to the party!" Max smiled happily at Blake before he sat down in the free dining table chair that had been brought over to accommodate everyone that was joining us.

"Again, was told this was a business meeting..." Steve looked at Blake while sitting in the lounge chair with surprise. As the newest person here, he wasn't quite aware of the way things tend to happen around us. We were giant balls of random, tons of chances to throw a wrench in anyone's plans and we always did it by accident.

"It sort of is. We have news to share and outside of this room, no one else knows right now." Maeve started, but a few people already had questions.

"Is this about what we're working on?" Steve asked, surprise in his voice as he turned back to Maeve. Alluding to the deal that she was working on as if no one here knew made me want to chuckle, but again he didn't know how we operated yet. He was about to find out that even without the current investment in our secret relationship, we'd always been thicker than thieves.

"Well-" I tried not to smirk at Maeve as I joined her and stood next to the chair she was in, knowing it was a good idea to say something. She stopped talking when she noticed the smirk that instantly came to my face. Her face changed into a grimace, unhappy with the satisfaction I was getting from being the one in the room to actually know what was going on. A silent scolding for how much I was enjoying this at the moment.

"That and something else that has to do with that." I answered for her, smiling down at her from my place next to the cushioned chair for one in the living room.

"Wait, you know?" Steve asked. I just gave him a small smile as I crossed the circle to bring the wine to Blake.

"Know what?" Blake followed as I handed him a glass that Max poured wine in for him just moments later before I walked back over to the chair Maeve was seated in.

"We'll get there." Maeve was already exasperated by the thought of doing this. I placed a hand on her shoulder, making her look at me.

"I can do it..." I reminded her. She only nodded, placing her hand over mine on her shoulder.

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