When The Music Stops...

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A/N: Wow, this story blew up out of nowhere. I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart just want to say thank you. This is something to help me in my free time and I never expect anyone to read, but there's a few hundred of you out there enjoying this. So while this is short, it is an early post as a thank you. 

With that being said, we are coming close to the end of this story. There are two big things about to happen very quickly. One comes with a trigger warning that will also be a spoiler, but I know it needs to be said. 

I have a sequel that's ready to go as well, so let me know as we come to the end if you want to read that. I've also been writing a Max and a Charles story at the same time as this. The Max story will probably be out in about a month if you're interested!

As always, thank you for reading! Let me know what you think with a vote or a comment. Have a great, F1 free weekend! 💚💚💚


After two days of nonstop driving and partying, everyone needed a lie in before we headed out to do anything else. Luckily, Maeve had brought this up and planned a do what you want day for everyone this morning. She was currently using it to finish some work at the large dining room table while I made some calls for next week. There were a few places I was hoping to visit and some things I wanted to do while we were in Austin since it was one of my favorite places to go racing. I sat at the couch with my feet up on the table and a mindless show on until I had my right mind to actually workout. Michael would've been proud to see me push the coffee table out of the way to do my workout. He likes to pretend that I don't like to when we both know I'm the easiest person to get to work.

With some music on, that was how we spent the morning. She'd be reading while I was doing a few body weight exercises. Every once in a while I'd feel her eyes on me, making me look at her as she turned away. I smirked every time, but didn't dare call her out for it. Around lunch we decided to order food through room service in our diet plan since we'd been on a cheat week it seemed.

"So, we're going to Omnia tonight right?" She asked me when I sat down at the table with our food. She ordered a chicken salad and some fruit while I ordered a steak and some veggies.

"Yeah, I gotta call Martijn and ask if he wants to do something before. That would be just you, me, and Max though." I reminded her as I slid her the silverware for her meal across the table.

"That sounds nice honestly. Maybe I'm getting too old for partying..." She cracked her neck as she closed her laptop, emphasizing her point and making me laugh.

"Maybe if you actually, I dunno, took a break and enjoyed your vacation?" I looked at her laptop and papers strewn about pointedly. Maeve defensively threw her hands over her laptop.

"I know but I'm almost done. I'm just so tired. It has to be all the back and forth..." She yawned, something she'd been doing all morning. It wasn't a new thing, she'd been tired since summer break.

"Well that's a definite sign that we need to chill out," I frowned as she left her hands over her laptop defensively,"Maybe we should use our do nothing morning for a nap? Hang out with everyone later and let Martijn and Max get food themselves?" Hoping she would say yes, I pushed her food towards her again, hoping the few inches closer would make her move away from her work.

"OK, you win this time. I better get some prime cuddles...." She kissed my cheek before moving her computer out of the way in exchange for food.

We made small talk. Mostly about how happy Max looked when he was in each car or kart that we got him in. It was clear Max missed what he did for a living. Not that any of us would blame him, I don't know what I'd do if it was suddenly ripped out from under me. Maeve followed through with her agreement though, joining me upstairs for a midday nap with some random show on in the background.

No Regrets, Only MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora